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Monday Message – April 12, 2021

iLEAD Antelope Valley 4th graders Presentation of Learning artifacts

Welcome back, iLEAD AV families!

We hope you had a restful and fun spring break.

Before the break, our 4th graders answered the driving question “As a researcher, how can I explain the importance of an ancient artifact to an audience?” After researching and completing their projects, the learners shared their presentations of learning both in person and virtually. We are so proud of them for their beautiful work!

Please note that our iLEAD AV Family Survey has been extended to April 23, and everyone’s participation is important so that iLEAD AV can continue to be a school of choice. Please check your email, including your spam folder, for a message from Panorama Education. (Or if you prefer, you may click here now. Please use code 6467576604.) Thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Have a great week!

With gratitude,

The iLEAD AV Team

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