From the Director of iLEAD AV
Hello iLEAD AV Parents & Learners,
We are so excited to be offering “Workshop Fridays” starting Friday, September 10, 2021. The workshops are on campus and there are several to choose from. Please fill out the form only if your learner plans on attending school on Fridays from 9 am-12:30 pm. Only learners who turn in a form will be able to attend on Fridays. Learners will be placed in their favorite workshops on a first-come basis. If you have any questions please email or call the front office at 661-494-7442.
Master Agreements were emailed to all parents and are due as soon as possible. Please sign them and email them back to your facilitator.
WE also just had our first iSupport meeting this past Thursday night. We decided on the Spirit Week theme days. Here they are:
Monday & Tuesday 9/13-9/14-“Silly Day”– Wear your silly socks, funny hats, crazy hair, tie-dye, miss-matched clothes, be creative & silly!
Wednesday & Thursday 9/15-9/16-“Dress Up Day”– Dress up as your favorite superhero, Disney character, western gear, or favorite decade!
Friday 9/17- “Spirit Day”– Wear your favorite team jersey or iLEAD Spirit T-shirt)
(a limited supply of iLEAD Spirit t-shirts are available in the office for $10.00)