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This week the 7 Habits focus is Habit 6: Synergize. Synergize is when two or more people work together to create a better solution that neither would have thought of alone. It’s not your way or my way, but a better way. Talk about the equation 1 + 1 = 3 (or more). How is that possible? One person + another person = 2 ideas + many more than either of them would have thought of alone. Synergy is taking good ideas and making them better by working together. Discussions can focus on other examples of synergy in nature, history, literature, and personal experiences. For example, synergy happens in nature when a flock of geese heads south for the winter. They fly in a V formation because due to the updraft, the entire flock can fly farther than if each bird flew alone.

Activities that Support Habit 6 That Work for All Ages

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