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Breakfast and Lunch at iLEAD AV: Menu and Helpful Info

Lunch Program at iLEAD AV

Menu: Please see below for the current menu. Note: no lunch on Fridays. 

Breakfast Schedule: Breakfast is served from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. only.

Packed Lunch Guideline: Parents, please send your learners with a lunch that does not need to be warmed up. We are unable to warm or heat up food or give hot water to the learners. This is a safety issue, and we appreciate your cooperation.

Free & Reduced Meal Applications: Please submit your free/reduced lunch application to the front office as soon as possible. Lunch balances must remain under $20 this school year. Please make payments in the front office.

Prices: Learners who do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals must pay $3 for lunch and $2 for breakfast.

Pay for Lunches Online: iLEAD AV has partnered with My MealTime, a fast, secure online service for making credit or debit card deposits and monitoring your learner’s lunch account. Download the mobile app!

Health and Wellness Policy: Our learners are active and exerting energy outside, so they need nutritious refreshments, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and as much water as possible. We’d like to share with you our Health and Wellness Policy as a helpful reference and to support you and your learner in making good food choices for nourishing the body and mind.

A Reminder about Food Deliveries: Parents, please inform your learners they are not to order food from Postmates, Grubhub, Uber Eats, DoorDash, or any other delivery service to the school. Parents can bring in lunches to the front office and we will call the learner up to the office to pick up their lunch.

February menu coming soon!

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