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Message from the Director

director word written on cubes on wooden background

Can you believe this is the final week of school? Our final day is this Friday, June 14th! Have a wonderful summer break!

Thank you to everyone who attended, participated in, planned, and executed our Backyard Bash! And thank you to our partners at iLEAD Lancaster. A special thank you goes out to our own Holly Vasconez for the countless hours she spent planning and preparing for the Bash!

Some facilitators will be having their end-of-year festive gatherings. Please remember the healthy snack policy when contributing to the festivities.

Please check our Lost and Found for any of your children’s items. We will be donating any unclaimed items to local charities.

And remember, there will be no after-school care on Friday, June 14th. All learners must be picked up by 1 p.m.


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