Site icon iLEAD Antelope Valley

Monday Message – August 16, 2021

ilead antelope valley learner happy outside

Dear iLEAD AV Families,

We hope you have been enjoying the summer and have made many happy memories. We are looking forward to welcoming all our learners and families. Please read below to learn how to stay in touch throughout the year.


We have an amazing community of family volunteers who support our school in many ways. We hope you will attend our iSUPPORT meetings. You will gain valuable information regarding how you can get involved, whether you volunteer in the classroom, assist on field trips, or join special event committees. iSUPPORT also helps keep families updated on what’s happening on campus, and it’s a great way to connect with each other. We value our volunteers! For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSUPPORT team on Instagram at @isupportileadav.


Please be sure you have signed up for ParentSquare. Important reminders and information regarding school emergencies and events will be relayed through this system. ParentSquare sends notifications via email and text if you download the app at

Monday Message and School Website

The Monday Message is sent out each week to all our families with articles, upcoming events, pictures of learners, updates and other pertinent information regarding school activities. You can also find all our Monday Messages and other important information archived on our website at

Social Media

iLEAD AV’s Facebook page is updated frequently with pictures of our learners and descriptions of the learning process. Please check it out!

With gratitude,

The iLEAD AV Team

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