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Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Children

iLEAD Antelope Valley School Lunch

Based on the recent announcement from the USDA, we are excited to announce the return of the Summer Seamless Program, free meals to all. Starting Monday, September 14, we will be providing meals to all children up to 18 years of age at no charge. You do not need to be an enrolled learner in order to receive free meals. Each child will receive one grab-and-go breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday except on school holidays. Children need not be present to pick up.

While our site is closed, school meals will be grab-and-go with minimal contact and may not be consumed on-site. Breakfast and lunch will be picked up together at the front gate (2110 W. Avenue K, Lancaster, CA) Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 11:00 AM. For your protection and ours, please wear a cloth face covering when picking up meals.

Please make sure to continue to fill out the Multipurpose Income Form, as this will help to establish your eligibility for when this program stops, and will also help our school in many other ways. This form needs to be filled out for every learner and submitted each year by October 1It can be submitted in a variety of ways. You can fill it out via a fillable PDF (attached) and email it to, fill out a paper form (attached in Englishattached in Spanish) and drop it off at the front office, or — in our newest, completely digital way — you can complete it via the My Mealtime online platform. This new option ensures the confidentiality of your form and can be done from home. Please see the attached instructions (here and here) on how to access this option. Please email all forms (by October 1) and any questions to

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