Hello amazing AV Exploration Families!
I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend and have been able to stop and reflect on the men and women of our armed forces who lost their lives by protecting our freedom. Their sacrifice and the loss to their families is unimaginable. HERE is a link to many free activities to help you teach your child about the meaning of Memorial Day and why it is celebrated.
We are so ready to party with you all Wednesday, June 1st, from 4:30-6:30 pm in our Exploration Classrooms and playground area! Come CELEBRATE our first year of AV Exploration! We will have hot dogs to eat, and Kona Ice will be here too! We have vendors coming from Mel Booker Music, Hula from the Heart, a sewing teacher, and Sylvan Tutoring AV (Lancaster). We will have water games, crafts, relay races, candy sushi, tie dye and so much more! Bring a T-shirt if you’d like to tie dye! Please RSVP to your EF so we can plan accordingly. We are still accepting donations of water bottles, individually bagged chips, and cookies!
See you Wednesday night!
Terri Budke
Director North LA County Exploration
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