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iLEAD AV Exploration: Message from the Director

Hello amazing AV Exploration Families!

Welcome to our 2022-23 school year! Our team is excited to reconnect with you and welcome new families to our community! We have lots of exciting things planned for you this year!

We’ve added a couple new people to our AV Exploration Team this year. First, we have our very own office person! Her name is AdrieAnna Rodgers. She will be on site Monday-Thursday from 8:30-4:30, and Fridays from 8:30-2:00. AdrieAnna will be available to help with enrollment and answer any questions you may have. She has been working hard all summer, training and learning how to serve our families. I know you will love her.

We also have our very own Special Education Facilitator! Her name is Tai Neely. Tai is new to our school, but not new to the world of special education. She brings a wealth of knowledge and a sweet spirit to our team.  She will be a blessing to any families that receive her services!

We also have our own phone number! Our direct line to AV Exploration is 661-494-7442. 

We will also welcome back our starting line-up of EFs:

Wishing you all an amazing first week of school!


Terri Budke

Director North LA County Exploration


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