Site icon iLEAD Antelope Valley

Traffic is a BEAST! This is how we slay…

Hello parents! We encourage the use of VALET for all drop-off and pick-up for safety reasons. Avenue K and 20th West is a busy commerce intersection, and we value the safety of our learners! Remember, if you are not using valet, all children should be walked to the front door by their parent/guardian. Learners without a chaperone will warrant a call home.  

If you need clarification as to where to park, please ask ANY iLEAD employee. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT TURNING LEFT INTO THE VALET ENTRANCE AND OUT OF THE EXIT IS A HAZARD TO BOTH YOUR VEHICLE AND OUR LEARNERS. IT IS ALSO A TRAFFIC PATTERN DISRUPTION and may warrant a citation from law enforcement who frequent our valet area.  

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our learners and your vehicles safe!

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