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iLEAD AV Exploration – Message from the Director

iLEAD Exploration

Dear iLEAD AV Exploration Families,

Picture day happens this Thursday! Bring your smiles on Jan. 20 between 10-11:30 a.m. (photographers are leaving at noon) and meet us in our Exploration Rooms. Please come to the gate with our banner on it. Please remember to have your learners wear a mask while on campus (of course they can take it off for the pictures). Remember if your child or you are sick, please stay home. We are trying to keep our space covid-free! No need to fill out papers or bring anything with you. You will be able to preview your child’s photos and order pictures online. The instructions are on the flier below and will be given out at the photo shoot.  

With gratitude,

Terri Budke

AV Exploration Director

Director of North LA County Exploration

picture day flyer
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