Tag Archives: ilead av exploration

iLEAD AV Exploration – Message from the Director

Dear iLEAD AV Exploration Families,

Picture day happens this Thursday! Bring your smiles on Jan. 20 between 10-11:30 a.m. (photographers are leaving at noon) and meet us in our Exploration Rooms. Please come to the gate with our banner on it. Please remember to have your learners wear a mask while on campus (of course they can take it off for the pictures). Remember if your child or you are sick, please stay home. We are trying to keep our space covid-free! No need to fill out papers or bring anything with you. You will be able to preview your child’s photos and order pictures online. The instructions are on the flier below and will be given out at the photo shoot.  

With gratitude,

Terri Budke

AV Exploration Director

Director of North LA County Exploration

iLEAD AV Exploration: Message from the Director

It’s the last week of school before Winter Break! How did we get here already?! Time sure does fly by! We hope we will see you in person at our Winter Production and our Presentations of Learning on Thursday, Dec. 16th! If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP here so we can plan for seating: CLICK HERE

Our learners have been busy learning all sorts of amazing things at the weekly workshops. We have learned about winter plants and animals, we’ve learned about strategy and taking turns through board games, have had fun learning about our bodies and foods, (plus exercising!) and also have created some gorgeous snowflakes and other winter bird art.  Hopefully you will be able to see it all in person on the 16th!

With gratitude,

Terri Budke

AV Exploration Director

Director of North LA County Exploration

P.S. Here are some photos from our recent workshops, including PE/health class; wintertime science with identification of conifers,and identifying birds in a livestream; and winter art, painting and paper art of birds seen in the winter.

iAV Exploration: Message from the Director

Hello Amazing Exploration Families!

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful week with family and friends!  We have so much to be thankful for! This year I’m extra thankful for all of you and our amazing team of EFs who have brought the vision of iLEAD AV Exploration into a reality. We hope your learners are enjoying all the things they are learning and reading! We have heard from many parents that they are learning new things right along with their children. 

We also hear that information learned is carried over to playtime and discussion outside of “school time.” 

Homeschooling is amazing! If you have friends who may benefit from our program, please let them know we have a few more spots for new learners!  

There are some new events listed in our calendar, so make sure to notate the dates/times for picture day, and our Winter Performance/Presentation of Learning!

With gratitude,
Terri Budke
iLEAD AV Exploration Director
Director of North LA County Exploration

iAV Exploration: Learner Community Project

Our learners have been busy working on their first big project the last several weeks! The projects are centered around the theme of community and each grade level is focusing on different aspects of community through history standards! They are diving deep to answer the driving question of “What makes a community thrive (and fail)?” Stay tuned for more information about their upcoming Presentation of Learning (POL), where the learners will be showcasing what they have learned!