Founding Story

Free Food Distribution: Friday, November 17

Dear iLEAD AV Exploration Families,

On Friday, November 17, iLEAD Lancaster will be distributing free, nonperishable foods and other goods donated by Rescue Mission Alliance of Antelope Valley. This event is free and open to all families and staff members across the iLEAD network of schools.

Location: iLEAD Lancaster Charter School, 254 E. Ave K-4 Lancaster, CA
Date: Friday, November 17, 2023
Time: 12:30-2:00 PM (or while supplies last)

iLEAD Lancaster Food Giveaway

Parking Instructions:

Please park and walk into the side gate at the east entrance located at the back of the school.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Lifelong Learners

Happy New Year! Time to brush up on our iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes. At iLEAD, we believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves aroundRead More


iSUPPORT Meeting: January 14

iLEAD AV Exploration families, you are invited to join us for our iSUPPORT meeting! January 14 3:00 – 3:45 PM Via Zoom (See ParentSquare for the link!) This month, we’reRead More

calendar, post-it notes

Upcoming Events

iLEAD AV Studio Mon., 1/13: Staff Professional Development Tues., 1/14: Spring Semester Begins Mon., 1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School Thur.-Fri., 1/23-24: Learner-Led Conferences Sun., 1/26-Sat., 2/1: National School Choice and Spirit WeekRead More

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