Founding Story

iLEAD AV Exploration Learner Spotlight: Jarrell H.

iLEAD AV Exploration Learner Spotlight Jarrell H.

Meet Jarrell H., an 8th grader at iLEAD AV Exploration! With a passion for learning and a commitment to excellence, Jarrell is on an exciting journey of personalized education. We asked Jarrell’s mom, Mrs. Acosta, to share Jarrell’s learning journey with us, and this is what she had to say!

Why did you choose to enroll at iLEAD AV Exploration?

We chose iLEAD AV Exploration because of its project-based learning curriculum, the flexibility of completing work at own pace and the support offered to parents.

What is your best memory of your time at iLEAD AV Exploration so far?

The science projects can be challenging at times, but Jarrell has learned a lot.

Who is a strong iLEAD AV Exploration influence and why?

Jami Delgado, our facilitator, is always available, knowledgeable and helpful. She encourages learners to do their best even when they don’t feel like it. When Jarrell told Jami what he wanted to do when he grows up, she offered suggestions to prepare for the future. Thanks to that, Jarrell is now a member of the Young Marine Unit in Palmdale. He also takes horse-riding lessons.

Why did your family decide to homeschool, and what does it allow you to do that you couldn’t do at other schools?

After a difficult experience at a public middle school, we had to find a better option so that my son could be prepared for high school. iLEAD AV Exploration allowed my son to catch up to his grade level and learn in a peaceful environment.

Can you name a favorite project you’ve worked on at iLEAD AV Exploration? What made it memorable?

Jarrell enjoys all projects that involve working with water. The most memorable was measuring the mechanical advantage of a waterwheel. The use of a fidget spinner made it fun.

Jarrell H.’s journey at iLEAD AV Exploration showcases the transformative impact of personalized education and supportive learning environments, where he thrived academically and discovered his passions. His story inspires our school community, emphasizing the importance of determination, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence in education.


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