Founding Story

iLEAD AV Exploration Learner Spotlight: Meet Nataleigh E.!

iLEAD AV Exploration Learner Spotlight

Meet Nataleigh E., a dynamic 4th grader who’s been a part of the iLEAD AV Exploration community for the past two years. Not only is Nataleigh a dedicated learner, but she also holds the title of Little Miss Antelope Valley 2024. Recently, she even took the stage at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the beautifully remodeled Mariposa Park in Lancaster. Let’s hear from Nataleigh’s mom, Maleigh, as she shares some insights into this remarkable young lady’s life!

What is your best memory of your time at iLEAD AV Exploration so far?

Nataleigh loves the workshops and friendships she has made.

Who is a strong iLEAD AV Exploration influence and why?

Her current and past EFs because they support her and make learning fun.

Why did your family decide to homeschool, and what does it allow you to do that you couldn’t do at other schools?

After Covid, Nat was ahead of the class and she needed to be challenged. Also I feel iLEAD is safer and structured around our needs more than a public school. Being homeschooled allows Nat to participate in her community more as a community queen. She is currently Little Miss Antelope Valley and she is able to work her school activities around events where she learns public speaking and how to communicate with her peers, she also has done hundreds of hours of community service and has secured a strong bond with her city. She is also involved in many other activities, such as voice, horseback riding, playing the piano, cheer, and dance. So being homeschooled allows us to learn on the go somedays instead of being stuck in a classroom. She is also a very hands-on learner and being able to see and touch things as she learns, especially in science, has helped her retain her learning better than just textbook learning.

Can you name a favorite project you’ve worked on at iLEAD AV Exploration? What made it memorable?

Her favorite project was her report on her favorite thing, which was her pug at that time. It was memorable because she not only learned all about pugs but was able to connect learning with something she loves.

Who would you like to give a shoutout to at iLEAD AV Exploration? Who has helped you and how?

Mrs. Hernandez, her EF, because she is kind and supportive and answers all my questions.


Nataleigh’s experience at iLEAD AV Exploration showcases the benefits of a personalized and flexible education. With support from her Educational Facilitators, Nataleigh is thriving academically while also making a mark in her community.


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