Studio Monday Message 04.26.2021
Dear iLEAD Antelope Valley Families,
Starting this week, we will be asking all returning families to complete your re-registration forms for the 2021-2022 school year. This will require several steps, and we’ll be sending you timely information for each step of the process.
The “Why” of Re-Registration
One of the primary purposes of the re-registration process is to ensure your child’s safety. We’ll be collecting emergency contact info, including phone numbers and email addresses, as well as information about your learner’s particular health needs that we may need to be aware of. We will also request signatures for forms that must be updated yearly, such as permission for your learner to use technology and address verification.
This week in your email you will receive a link to re-register for the 2021-22 school year. If you have completed the Intent to Return and have committed to your spot for the 2021-22 school year, please see the video below to assist in the completion of the re-registration. We request that you complete this re-registration as soon as possible to assist our staff with this process.
Also in July, when the document becomes available, we will be asking all families to complete the School Nutrition Programs Forms, which help us to provide lunches and receive funding for our school. Please be on the lookout for these coming in July.
Thank you for your prompt attention to our upcoming requests as we complete re-registration for our exciting school year of 2021-2022!
If you are not returning for the 2021-22 school year, please disregard this message.
If you need support, please email or call (661)494-7442 and we are happy to assist you.
Thank you,
Upcoming Events
iLEAD AV Studio
- Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School
- Mon.-Fri., 3/3-7: Read Across America Week & Book Fair (Spirit Week)
- Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day
- Fri., 3/21: Color Run, 1:00 PM. Run starts at 1:30 PM
- Fri., 3/21: TK/K Roundup and Open House, 4:00-6:00 PM. RSVP
- Wed., 3/26: School-Wide Soaring Aeronautics Project Presentation of Learning, 2:00 PM
- Thur., 3/27: Dodger Day!
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
Click here for the school year calendar.
iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study)
- Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School
- Tues., 2/25: Kids’ Clothing Swap, 12:15-1:30 PM, Rawley Duntley Park
- Thurs., 2/27: LA Zoo Meetup
- Tues., 3/4: iSUPPORT Meeting
- Tues., 3/4: Get the Tea with Tina and Terri, 3:45-4:15. Submit your questions.
Fri., 3/7 : End of LP6. Sign Learning Logs. Ensure all work is submitted.
Mon., 3/10: Beginning of LP7
- Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day – No School for Learners
- Thurs., 3/20: Petersen Automotive Museum Field Study
- Fri., 3/28: Presentation of Learning at iLEAD Acton Office
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
Mon.-Fri., 4/14-18: Spring MAP Testing
Mon., 5/12 – Fri., 5/23: CAASPP Test
- Thur., 4/10: Virtual TK/Kindergarten Roundup, 5:30 PM. RSVP
- Fri., 4/18: In-Person TK/Kindergarten Roundup, Noon. RSVP
Click here for the school year calendar.
Parent Previews are available by appointment. RSVP
Summer, Technology, and Kids: Watch the Webinar Recording!
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The Valet Process
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