Studio Monday Message 02.28.2022
Glider Day RESCHEDULED on iLEAD AV Campus
Due to the weather, last week’s glider day was rescheduled. It is now set for this Thursday, March 3rd, from 8:30 am to noon.
The goal of this event is to share the excitement and love of flight with young people and the entire iLEAD Antelope Valley school community!
Upcoming Events
iLEAD AV Studio
- Wed., 3/26: School-Wide Soaring Aeronautics Project Presentation of Learning, 2:00 PM
- Thur., 3/27: Dodger Day!
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
- Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day
- Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break
Click here for the school year calendar.
iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study)
- Fri., 3/28: Presentation of Learning at iLEAD Acton Office
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
- Mon., 4/7: Staff Returns
- Tue., 4/8: Learners Return
- Tue., 4/8: iSUPPORT Meeting, 3:00-3:45 PM
- Tue., 4/8: ‘Get the Tea’ with Terri and Tina, 3:45-4:15 PM
- Tue., 4/8: School Board Meeting, 5:00 PM
- Tue., 4/9: Virtual Mindfulness Assembly for TK-8th grades, 1:00-1:45 PM
- Thu., 4/10: Last Day of Thursday Workshops
- Thur., 4/10: Virtual TK/Kindergarten Roundup, 5:30 PM. RSVP
- Mon., 4/14-18: Spring MAP Testing
- Fri., 4/18: In-Person TK/Kindergarten Roundup, Noon. RSVP
- Tue., 4/22: Last Day of Art Workshops
- Fri., 5/2: End of LP 8: Work Samples Due & Activity Logs Signed by 3:00 PM
- Tue., 5/6: iSUPPORT Meeting, 3:00 PM
- Tue., 5/6: ‘Get the Tea’ with Terri and Tina, 3:45-4:15 PM
Mon., 5/12 – Fri., 5/23: CAASPP Test
Click here for the school year calendar.
Parent Previews are available by appointment. RSVP
March 1: Dine Out and Support iLEAD Antelope Valley
Coming up March 1, dine at Chipotle and help support iLEAD Antelope Valley!
iLEAD AV Exploration: Message from the Director
Hello AV Exploration Families, It was great to see the learners on campus last week at our workshops! They were having a great time in class and on the playground.… Read More
iLEAD AV Exploration: TK and K Celebrate 100 Days!
Mrs. Dorroh’s TK/K learners had fun celebrating their first 100 days of school! Learners took a “selfie” of themselves with the collection of 100 things. They also made videos of… Read More
iLEAD Av Exploration: Workshop Fun
Learners enjoyed our weekly workshops last week! They worked enhancing their writing skills with lessons on writing effective paragraphs , and played some literacy games. We also were able to… Read More