Studio Monday Message 11.14.2022
Hello AV,
Multicultural Celebration! A time to celebrate the uniqueness and diversity in our school community. We invited family and friends to our classrooms for learners to share and celebrate traditions, food, art, history, and other things that make cultures unique. We ended our day with an In-N-Out Fundraiser! What an awesome time to spend with the iLEAD Community! Thank you for your support.Sincerely,
Talaya Coleman
iLEAD AV School Director
Kona Ice Day – Nov. 16th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Upcoming Events
iLEAD AV Studio
- Wed., 3/26: School-Wide Soaring Aeronautics Project Presentation of Learning, 2:00 PM
- Thur., 3/27: Dodger Day!
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
- Mon., 4/7: Staff Site Work Day
- Tues., 4/8: Learners Return from Spring Break
Click here for the school year calendar.
iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study)
- Fri., 3/28: Presentation of Learning at iLEAD Acton Office
- Fri., 3/28: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
- Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
- Mon., 4/7: Staff Returns
- Tue., 4/8: Learners Return
- Tue., 4/8: iSUPPORT Meeting, 3:00-3:45 PM
- Tue., 4/8: ‘Get the Tea’ with Terri and Tina, 3:45-4:15 PM
- Tue., 4/8: School Board Meeting, 5:00 PM
- Tue., 4/9: Virtual Mindfulness Assembly for TK-8th grades, 1:00-1:45 PM
- Thu., 4/10: Last Day of Thursday Workshops
- Thur., 4/10: Virtual TK/Kindergarten Roundup, 5:30 PM. RSVP
- Mon., 4/14-18: Spring MAP Testing
- Fri., 4/18: In-Person TK/Kindergarten Roundup, Noon. RSVP
- Tue., 4/22: Last Day of Art Workshops
- Fri., 5/2: End of LP 8: Work Samples Due & Activity Logs Signed by 3:00 PM
- Tue., 5/6: iSUPPORT Meeting, 3:00 PM
- Tue., 5/6: ‘Get the Tea’ with Terri and Tina, 3:45-4:15 PM
Mon., 5/12 – Fri., 5/23: CAASPP Test
Click here for the school year calendar.
Parent Previews are available by appointment. RSVP
Dream Up Project Video
Check out our iLead AV Hybrid Dream Up Project Video. To watch the video, please click here.
iLEAD AV Exploration: Message from the Director
Hello Exploration Families, We look forward to seeing everyone at our Multicultural Feast tomorrow 11/15/22 from 11 am until Noon in our CLASSROOM. We decided that due to the cold… Read More
iLEAD AV Exploration: Multicultural Feast Celebration
One of iLEAD’s most cherished events is our annual Multicultural Feast! This is a time for our learners and families to come together to celebrate gratitude, diversity, and togetherness. This… Read More
iLEAD Exploration: Upcoming Homeschool Happenings!
Coffee with Tina & Terri: Please join Tina Toval and Terri Budke for a cup of coffee. We will answer your questions, brainstorm ideas for upcoming events, get your feedback on… Read More