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iLEAD AV Art Gallery

iLEAD AV Debuts Schoolwide Art Gallery, Arts Integration

As many schools do, iLEAD AV hosts an annual Winter Production. These are an opportunity for learners, families, and community members to come together and focus on the performing arts.Read More

iLEAD AV 3rd Grade POL

3rd Grade POL- The Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Project

The Driving Question: How can I help educate others on how to live a healthier life? The learners made projects on “Rethink Your Drink”, about the amount of sugar inRead More

Engineering Project Presentation Of Learning

Presentation Of Learning: Engineering Design Process

Middle School Learners recently completed their Presentation Of Learning on their Engineering Design Process (EDP) Project. Over six weeks, the learners tackled the Driving Question, “How Can I Use TheRead More

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