Founding Story

iLEAD Exploration: POL

Our Presentation of Learning (POL) prior to Spring Break was great fun! We loved to see and hear about all the amazing ideas our learners came up with for their project. Our driving question was about creating something that solves a problem in their world and the older kids elaborated on this idea and also needed the item to be sustainable. We had some great ideas as you can see from the photos. Great job, learners!


Spring Surveys

Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon

Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learnersRead More

iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authenticity

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our March focus is Authenticity. This article has several tips to help you foster authenticity in your child: “Celebrating Authenticity:Read More

Glider on Campus 2024

Glider on Campus Event: March 13

As part of our iLEAD Soaring Aeronautics Project, a glider will be on our campus on Thursday, March 13, at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. All iLEAD AV learners willRead More

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