Founding Story

Category: Studio

Traffic Is a BEAST! This Is How We Slay…

Hello parents! We encourage the use of VALET for all drop-off and pickup for safety reasons. Avenue K  and 20th West is a busy commerce intersection and we value theRead More

Healthy Food Policy

Learners will be more active and exerting much more energy outside. With that said they will need refreshing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and as much water as possible. We’d likeRead More

About Those Heelys…

We’ve seen an influx of Heelys on campus. Learners are zipping along the halls and on the play spaces. While we LOVE fun and seeing our learners enjoying themselves, weRead More

Upcoming Events

(Please see the school calendar for more information) Feb. 12 – Second Semester workshops start. Feb. 13, 20, 27 – School Campus Tours Feb. 16, 22, 23 – Learner LedRead More

Feb. 21: Benefit Dinner Info Meeting

Info and committee meeting 2 p.m. Feb. 21 at iLEAD AV for both campuses. Please join us! [gview file=””]  

Enrollment Now Open for 2018-19

2018-19 enrollment now open online and in the office! If you’re a current family, please fill out our intent to return. If you are a prospective family or are currentlyRead More

Feb. 21: Fundraiser at Jersey Mike’s!

Please join us for a combined dinner fundraising evening for iLEAD Lancaster and iLEAD AV on Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Jersey Mike’s. [gview file=””]

Parents: Sign Up for Paint Night!

Ready for a paint night! We are gathering interest for a Thursday or Friday evening in March. Please email Miss Kelly with your preferred date and how may rsvp’s. Cost isRead More

5th Grade POL: Ecosystems

The 5th grade had their POL on Tuesday, focusing on the driving question: “How can I, as a biologist, inform the world about an animal and the ecosystem the chosenRead More

Photos: 2nd Graders Ice Cream Party

Mr. Roque’s 2nd grade class was surprised with an ice cream party on Tuesday. They were one of the winners of the highest made auction baskets at the Winter Production.Read More

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