Founding Story

Category: Studio

Photos: Ancient Civilizations Presentation of Learning

The 6th graders recently had a presentation of learning on ancient civilizations. They spent weeks learning about the social structure, economy, religious beliefs, geography, politics and lasting impact of theRead More

Drop-Off Safety Reminder

Please follow all traffic laws when dropping off or picking up. The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department has been notified, by other families, of learners being dropped off in the middleRead More

Do You Know a Learner Who Would Love to Come to iLEAD AV?

If you know of any families interested in attending iLEAD AV, we have space in 3rd grade and 5th grade. Campus tours are every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. The intentRead More

Alert: No After Care on Friday, Dec. 15

All learners must be picked up by 1 p.m. There will be a $1 charge for every minute a learner is here after 1 p.m. Thank you!

Attention Parents: Learner Information and Registration

1) Parent Square – Download the app to your smart phone for free and get instant alerts Apple: Android: 2) Monday Message – Sign up and read theRead More

Message from the Front Office

Attention Parents: If you want your child to have breakfast at iLEAD, please have them at school by 8:45 a.m. so they are not late to class. Class starts atRead More

Lunch Program at iLEAD AV; And… Now Serving Breakfast!

Please submit your free/reduced lunch application to the front office as soon as possible. Lunch balances must remain under $20 this school year. Please make payments in the front office.Read More

Traffic Is a BEAST! This Is How We Slay…

Hello parents! We encourage the use of VALET for all drop-off and pickup for safety reasons. Avenue K  and 20th West is a busy commerce intersection and we value theRead More

Healthy Food Policy

Learners will be more active and exerting much more energy outside. With that said they will need refreshing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and as much water as possible. We’d likeRead More

About Those Heelys…

We’ve seen an influx of Heelys on campus. Learners are zipping along the halls and on the play spaces. While we LOVE fun and seeing our learners enjoying themselves, weRead More

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