Founding Story

Category: Studio

valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

Empower Generations Info Sessions & Tours

8th Graders, You’re Invited to Empower Generations’ Info Sessions & Campus Tours

Are you seeking a high school experience that goes beyond the ordinary? Discover Empower Generations High School, a free public school in our iLEAD network conveniently located near iLEAD AntelopeRead More

iLEAD Learner Outcomes

Share Your Thoughts: What Do the Learner Outcomes Mean to YOU? 

At iLEAD, we believe learning should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. We want each of our learners to grow as a whole person – that means discovering their amazing talentsRead More


CalKIDS College Savings Accounts Webinar: January 29

Join us for an iLEAD exclusive webinar with staff from the California State Treasurer’s Office. Get details on the CalKIDS investment and development savings program. CalKIDS offers college savings accountsRead More

father son iLEAD AV Studio 2024

Learner-Led Conferences: January 31

At iLEAD Antelope Valley Studio, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 23, 24, and 31. These conferencesRead More

iLEAD AV Studio Open House Template

TK/K Roundup and Open House, March 21

We are excited to invite you to our campus to learn about iLEAD Antelope Valley, a tuition-free public charter school in Lancaster, California, serving grades TK-8. Families of rising transitionalRead More

valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

iLEAD Learner Outcomes

Share Your Thoughts: What Do the Learner Outcomes Mean to YOU? 

At iLEAD, we believe learning should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. We want each of our learners to grow as a whole person – that means discovering their amazing talentsRead More

TK-8 Aerospace POL 2024 iLEAD AV Studio 2

Learner-Led Conferences: January 23, 24, 31

At iLEAD Antelope Valley Studio, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 23, 24, and 31. These conferencesRead More


Minimum Day for All Grades: January 23

Please note that Thursday, January 23, is a minimum day for all grades. On minimum days, learners are released at the same time they’re released on Fridays. This provides theRead More

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