Founding Story

Important iSUPPORT Survey

We want to encourage you to share how we can get more parents like you to join us at our monthly iSUPPORT Team meetings.

These meetings are a perfect time for our site director to tell you what is new and share any other pertinent information regarding all grade levels. We will also discuss upcoming events, school safety, and more! Each meeting will conclude with a positive open forum for you to share what is working and where improvement can be made.  

Please click here and take 5 minutes to answer some questions that can help us make these meetings great, including telling us about what you would like to see on the agenda.


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes: Empathetic Citizen

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our February focus is Empathetic Citizen: “I seek to understand and appreciate what others are thinking, feeling, or experiencing.” ThisRead More

iLEAD AV Studio Open House Template

TK/K Roundup and Open House, March 21

We are excited to invite you to our campus to learn about iLEAD Antelope Valley, a tuition-free public charter school in Lancaster, California, serving grades TK-8. Families of rising transitionalRead More

valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

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