The 7 Habits: Habit Number 3
This week’s 7 Habits focus is Habit 3: Put First Things First. Page 8 of The Leader in Me Parent’s Guide states: “‘Put First Things First,’ which means to decide what is most important and to take care of that first. Thinking about what needs to be done tomorrow or by the end of the week can be overwhelming, especially for children. Learning to think of which things are the most important and taking care of them first allows children (and adults) to be less stressed.
If your child uses a planner at school, then he or she has a great organizational tool, too. Put First Things First in writing. By writing down his or her responsibilities and planning ahead, last-minute trips to the store, missed events, or missed homework are avoided. If your child does not use a planner, having a weekly log would also be helpful. This could simply be a piece of paper that is used each week. Modeling this behavior is one of the best ways to teach.”
Enter the iLEAD Arts, Music & Entertainment Logo Design Challenge by May 2
Design the Future of iLEAD AME! iLEAD Arts, Media & Entertainment Logo Design Challenge Are you a creative visionary? Do you have a passion for design and storytelling? iLEAD California… Read More
Spring Learner Outcome Reflection Survey: April 21-May 2
Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! All learners in grades TK-12 will participate in our second semester Learner Outcome survey. We are striving for 100% participation… Read More
iLEAD AV Studio Dodger Day: March 27
Let’s kick off baseball season opening day! We’ll be celebrating on March 27 at iLEAD AV Studio. We’ll have early dismissal at 1:30 PM, with valet pick-up in the back,… Read More