Founding Story

Message from the Director

School picture day is Wednesday, Oct. 16th. Please have your child at school on time and ready to take their picture. You will be receiving the fliers on Monday, Oct. 14th.

The Ambassador Program is hosting its first dance on Friday, October 18th from 6-8 p.m. All middle school learners (6th-8th grade) are invited, $5 per person. Donations of food and decorations are needed, and parent chaperones are also needed for the event. Please call the office and ask for Ms. Holly to sign up.

The Fall Festival is coming up Friday, October 25th, from 6-8 p.m. Check with your facilitator on what is needed for the classroom booth.

Thank you to the parents, learners, and staff who came to the 1st and 3rd grade POLs. The 1st grade learners were experts on describing the functions, parts and placements of the human lungs. They incorporated cognition while they used language arts, design thinking, art, and presentation skills as they demonstrated their awareness by painting, labeling, and presenting their lung paintings.

The 3rd grade learners taught us about force and motion with their homemade bottle cap and balloon racers. The driving question was “How does force and motion affect our everyday lives?” They learned about Sir Isaac Newton, gravity, friction, and repulsion.

The Rodeo came to iLEAD AV! Thank you to our friends at the PRCA ProRodeo who came to perform for the learners. They were very excited to see the dog show, and had some laughs with Danny the clown!

Thank you to the iSupport parents who came to the collab on October 3rd to support the learners and the school. Your volunteering makes a difference and we are so happy to have you!

iSupport meetings are the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting in November 7th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and a repeat meeting from 6-7 p.m.

A word to families of 5th-8th graders: We are at the time of the year when we complete the Gallup Poll. This student poll helps us measure how well we are doing as a school. It is a short web-based survey that is available in both English and Spanish and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It has 24 core items that measure four elements, including school engagement, hope for the future, entrepreneurial aspirations, and career/financial literacy. The Gallup Student Poll gives learners a voice in building great schools, and results provide schools with important, actionable information beyond standard measures, such as grades and test scores, to help schools prepare kids for the future.

This survey is anonymous and voluntary. That means Gallup cannot identify your child and your learner’s individual responses will not be shared with anyone.

A letter will be coming home with your learner on Monday 10/14 regarding The Gallup Poll. Please read it over and return the letter by Wednesday, 10/16 if your learner will be able to participate in the poll. The Gallup Poll will be held in their classrooms the week of 10/21.


iLEAD Learner Outcomes

Share Your Thoughts: What Do the Learner Outcomes Mean to YOU? 

At iLEAD, we believe learning should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. We want each of our learners to grow as a whole person – that means discovering their amazing talentsRead More


CalKIDS College Savings Accounts Webinar: January 29

Join us for an iLEAD exclusive webinar with staff from the California State Treasurer’s Office. Get details on the CalKIDS investment and development savings program. CalKIDS offers college savings accountsRead More

iLEAD AV Exploration Art Workshops 9.17.20241

Learner-Led Conferences: January 31

At iLEAD Antelope Valley Exploration, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 31. These conferences create a purposefulRead More

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