Founding Story

Message from the Director

I have a few updates and thanks to share this week.

Learners have requested the opportunity to sell toys and food to others. We want to continue to promote entrepreneurship; however, learners cannot sell anything on campus that is not pre-approved for a school fundraiser.

Thank you to last week’s iSupport Parent Collaborative. Your participation greatly contributes to the school community.

Thank you for attending the Fall Festival. It was a huge success, and it was our largest turnout! Thank you to all the learners who entered the pumpkin carving contest and the costume contest.  

I would also like to thank our Fall Festival Coordinator, our own Holly Vasconez; our facilitators; care team members; Delores Synegard of Little iLEADers; and Kona Ice. It was your collaborative work that made the event a success!

The kindergarten Presentation of Learning was adorable. The learners taught weather concepts with ease. A few learners even presented to the CEO of PBL Global, Dr. Thom Markham. We are grateful for his work with our schools, facilitators, and learners.



School Picture Day: September 5

Thursday, September 4, is school picture day at iLEAD AV Studio! Please see ParentSquare for ordering information.

backpack notebooks

Back to School Night: September 5

Please plan to join us Thursday, September 5, from 5:00 to 6:30 for Back to School Night. This event will help you know what to expect throughout the year, whatRead More


Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser: September 11

We have some fantastic news to share! Chuck E. Cheese will be visiting our campus on Wednesday, September 11, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM to take photos with all ourRead More

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