Message from the Director
We want to thank all our parents/families for making testing at the learning studio a priority. We know you send your children here because what we do is special and unique. To maintain this amazing place of learning, we, as a public school, must adhere to state requirements, such as testing. We must test a certain percentage of our learners, or we lose points on our overall score.
Thank you, again, for supporting your children’s learning studio.
Congratulations to Antonio Ortega, one of our 3rd grade facilitators, who was honored to throw out the first pitch at the Jethawks game on May 7th!
iLEAD AV Studio Winter Production: December 17
Save the date for our Winter Production on Tuesday, December 17, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Get ready for lots of fun, including: Entertainment Classes’ Winter Performances Shopping Festival of… Read More
Report of Progress for Your Learner
Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)… Read More
iLEAD AV Studio DreamUp to Space Mission Patch Artwork Design Challenge 24-25 Selections
Hello, iLEAD AV Studio DreamUp to Space Artwork Design Challenge Participants! Thank you again for your submissions to the DreamUp to Space Artwork Design Challenge. We are thrilled to announce… Read More