Founding Story
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Attention Parents: Your Input Is Needed for State LCAP Survey

The State of California has changed the way education is funded. California now requires school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).

The LCAP requires us to gather input from students, teachers, parents, community members and public agencies to determine the goals, actions, and budget priorities for schools. As part of the LCAP, survey information is used as a success indicator. This survey is designed to give parents a voice in improving iLEAD Schools and finding ways to increase academic excellence and support for all students.

If you have not done so already, please take a few moments to give your input to this important process:

Please Click Here to Complete Survey


Kids Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge Continues through February 27

Thanks to everyone who joined our Kids Heart Challenge Kickoff on February 3. Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts! Through fun activitiesRead More

iLEAD AV Color Run 2024 (1)

iLEAD AV Color Run: March 21

iLEAD Antelope Valley is hosting a Color Run Fundraiser on Friday, March 21, from 1-2 PM. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

iLEAD AV Studio Open House Template

TK/K Roundup and Open House: March 21

We are excited to invite you to our campus to learn about iLEAD Antelope Valley, a tuition-free public charter school in Lancaster, California, serving grades TK-8. Families of rising transitionalRead More

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