Message from the Front Office
- We are collecting Box Top$ in the office. Please bring them in when you can.
- Lunch bills will be going out in October. Please look for them in your child’s backpacks. You can make payments in the office.
- If you have not turned in your master agreements, they are due NOW!
- First day packets went home on Aug. 22 and they were due back on Friday, Sept. 1. Please turn in immediately.
- Get your iLEAD T-shirts, only $10.
- 2016-2017 school yearbooks are still available for a short time in the office, $20
Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon
Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learners… Read More
Glider on Campus Event: March 20
As part of our iLEAD Soaring Aeronautics Project, a glider will be on our campus on Thursday, March 20, at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. All iLEAD AV learners will… Read More
iLEAD AV Color Run: March 21
iLEAD Antelope Valley is hosting a Color Run Fundraiser on Friday, March 21, at 1-2 PM. Check-in is at 1:00, and the run starts at 1:30 PM. Tickets are $5… Read More