Founding Story

Read to Succeed!

Have you received the “Read to Succeed” info? It’s due by Feb. 27 and the learners get a free Magic Mountain ticket if they participate. Here are the fliers if you missed them.

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MAP Testing

MAP Testing: September 9-13

All learners in grades K-8 will be completing our internal assessment, MAP. This is an adaptive assessment that learners will need to complete independently. This assessment will allow us toRead More


School Picture Day: September 5

Thursday, September 4, is school picture day at iLEAD AV Studio! Please see ParentSquare for ordering information.

backpack notebooks

Back to School Night: September 5

Please plan to join us Thursday, September 5, from 5:00 to 6:30 for Back to School Night. This event will help you know what to expect throughout the year, whatRead More

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