Founding Story

TK/K Roundup and Open House, March 21

iLEAD AV Studio Open House Template

We are excited to invite you to our campus to learn about iLEAD Antelope Valley, a tuition-free public charter school in Lancaster, California, serving grades TK-8.

Families of rising transitional kindergarteners (TK) and kindergarteners are invited to meet our wonderful credentialed educators and explore our campus. In addition, families of students entering grades 1-8 are welcome to join us to discover the many ways iLEAD AV can benefit you!

Join us to learn about our many unique offerings, including the following:

  • Flexible schedules.
  • Personalized education.
  • Development of critical thinking.
  • Project-based learning.
  • Social-emotional learning.
  • Entrepreneurship and collaboration.
  • Open, fun learning environments.
  • Hands-on aerospace and glider-flight opportunities.
  • And so much more!

We hope you’ll come see what iLEAD Antelope Valley has to offer your family. We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions!

Do you know someone who would love iLEAD Antelope Valley? Please help us spread the word by sharing this post with a friend!


iLEAD Schools Learner Outcomes

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authenticity

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Glider on Campus 2024

Glider on Campus Event: March 13

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volunteer hands

iSUPPORT Meeting and Get the Tea with Tina and Terri: March 4

iLEAD AV Exploration families, you are invited to join us for our iSUPPORT meeting March 4 at 3:00-3:45 PM. Afterward, join us to Get the Tea with Tina and TerriRead More

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