Founding Story

Our Goals

Our planning and preparation is consistent with our three Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. I am looking forward to sharing how we are meeting each goal throughout the school year, and I have listed the goals below:

Goal 1: Provide optimal conditions of learning through providing basic services, implementation of California State Standards, and access to an academic and educational program.

Goal 2: Provide all learners with a rigorous, creative, and broad curriculum to maximize academic achievement and college and career readiness.

Goal 3: Generate active engagement between parents/families and the school, and connections with the community, to promote learner achievement and communication among all stakeholders.


Staff CPR First Aid 3.4.2025 Empower Generations iLEAD AV (2)

iLEAD AV Staff Certified in CPR, First Aid

On Friday, February 28, iLEAD AV Studio staff went to Empower Generations High School to participate in CPR and First Aid training with All for Kids. Demonstrating a commitment toRead More

Spring Surveys

Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon

Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learnersRead More

Glider on Campus 2024

Glider on Campus Event: March 13

As part of our iLEAD Soaring Aeronautics Project, a glider will be on our campus on Thursday, March 13, at 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. All iLEAD AV learners willRead More

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