Founding Story

Category: Studio

What About Those Heelys?

We’ve seen an influx of Heelys on campus. Learners are zipping along the halls and on the playspaces. While we LOVE fun and seeing our learners enjoying themselves, we haveRead More

Message from the Director

Hello Families, You are invited THIS FRIDAY, September 27th, our first Binghetti Family Night Out. This is what you get when you mix BINGO & SPAGHETTI! Tickets are on saleRead More

Putting the 7 Habits Into Practice

This week’s habit is “Seek first to understand, then be understood.” Communicate effectively at all levels of the organization. Communication is the most important skill in life. You spend yearsRead More

Upcoming Events

Friday, 9/27: ILPs Friday, 9/27: Family Night Out! Binghetti (Bingo/Spaghetti Dinner) $5 per person, $3 per extra plate, $1 bingo cards (one play) October 2019 Thursday, 10/3: iSupport Collab, 9:30-10:30Read More

Our Goals

Our planning and preparation is consistent with our three Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. I am looking forward to sharing how we are meeting each goal throughout theRead More

Valet iLEAD Antelope Valley

Keeping the Valet Process Moving

Dear iLEAD AV families, please take time to review our valet process for drop-off and pick-up. In the mornings, the Valet gate opens at 8 a.m.; Based on parent requests,Read More

A Few Reminders…

There are NO drop offs in the front office. If you miss the morning valet from 8:30-9:00am, please come in and sign your child in at the front office.  WELCOMERead More

Lunch Program at iLEAD AV

Please submit your Free/Reduced lunch application to the front office as soon as possible. Lunch balances must remain under $20 this school year. Please make payments in the front office.Read More

Pay for Lunch Online

ILEAD AV has partnered with My MealTime, a fast, secure online service for making credit or debit card deposits and monitoring your learner’s lunch account.  Click here to download theRead More

Healthy Food Policy

Learners will be more active and exerting much more energy outside. With that said they will need refreshing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and as much water as possible. We’d likeRead More

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