Founding Story

Category: Studio

Message from the Front Office

Parents, please update any changes on your learners’ emergency cards. Any changes or updates, please notify the front office. The intent to return went out on Feb. 5. They wereRead More

Lunch Program at iLEAD AV; And… Now Serving Breakfast!

Please submit your free/reduced lunch application to the front office as soon as possible. Lunch balances must remain under $20 this school year. Please make payments in the front office.Read More

Healthy Food Policy

Learners will be more active and exerting much more energy outside. With that said they will need refreshing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and as much water as possible. We’d likeRead More

Traffic Is a BEAST! This Is How We Slay…

Hello parents! We encourage the use of VALET for all drop-off and pickup for safety reasons. Avenue K  and 20th West is a busy commerce intersection and we value theRead More

About Those Heelys…

We’ve seen an influx of Heelys on campus. Learners are zipping along the halls and on the play spaces. While we LOVE fun and seeing our learners enjoying themselves, weRead More

Message from the Director

Thank you to Mr. Bogdan, Mr. James, and all of the 5th grade learners for an outstanding POL.  The learners’ research on their career interests and pursuits was very thorough.Read More

Catching Character and the 7 Habits on Campus

Kaden Heywood did an amazing job sharing his future career aspirations during the 5th grade POL. He dressed professionally and he spoke articulately. He is an excellent example of zest,Read More

Upcoming Events

(Please see the school calendar for more information) June 5, 12 – School Campus Tours June 9 – Backyard Bash June 15 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Living & Learning the 7 Habits

Habit No. 4: Think Win-Win

Yearbooks Have Arrived!


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