Founding Story
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iLEAD AV Exploration: Message from the Director

iLEAD Exploration

Hello Amazing AV Exploration Families!

Please make sure to read the articles that follow to hear all about some important upcoming events! We don’t want your kiddos to miss out! We are having a meetup at the Poppy Reserve this Wednesday, March 23 at 10 a.m. for anyone that wants to join us! Bring your kiddos, walking shoes, sunscreen, and cameras! We will meet at the Visitor Center. Look in this week’s weekly update for more info and also email from your EF! 

Lastly we are looking for a few families that would write a review of our program and your experience so far this year. We would like to use some reviews in upcoming literature. I would be so thankful to any of you willing to write a review.  Please email it to me soon.  Thanks for your help with this!  

Make it a great week!


Terri Budke

Director North LA County Exploration



Kids Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge Continues through February 27

Thanks to everyone who joined our Kids Heart Challenge Kickoff on February 3. Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts! Through fun activitiesRead More

iLEAD AV Color Run 2024 (1)

iLEAD AV Color Run: March 21

iLEAD Antelope Valley is hosting a Color Run Fundraiser on Friday, March 21, from 1-2 PM. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

iLEAD AV Studio Open House Template

TK/K Roundup and Open House: March 21

We are excited to invite you to our campus to learn about iLEAD Antelope Valley, a tuition-free public charter school in Lancaster, California, serving grades TK-8. Families of rising transitionalRead More

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