Founding Story
< Back'; //$term_link[] = ''.$term->name.''; }elseif( $terms ){ foreach( $terms as $term ){ if($term->slug=='news'){ //$backto='< Back to '.$term->name.''; $backto='< Back'; }elseif(!$backto){ //$backto='< Back to '.$term->name.''; $backto='< Back'; } //$term_link[] = ''.$term->name.''; } } ?>

iLEAD AV Highlights of the Week

Kona Ice Fill Party Was a Hit!

Learners had so much fun during the Kona Ice Fill Party, and we raised over $700! Those who purchased received their very own Kona Ice color-changing cup with the iLEAD logo. Bring the same cup back this Friday, November 15, to refill for only $3!

Kona Ice Days will be coming to iLEAD AV one Friday every month for the rest of the year. Dates are posted on the events board and below.

We also have prepaid Kona Ice cards available for purchase. Only $10 gets you a $12 prepaid Kona Ice card! Available in the front office. Ask for Ms. Holly.

REMEMBER: 20% goes back to our school!

Mark Your Calendar for Kona Ice Days!

  • November 15
  • December 13
  • January 31
  • February 28
  • March 27
  • April 24
  • May 29

Thank You for the Tricycles, iSupport Team!

Thank you to our iSupport team for donating tricycles. Kindergarten and 1st grade are loving their new rides!



valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

valet iLEAD AV

The Valet Process at iLEAD AV Studio

In an effort to keep learners and staff safe, please remember to follow these valet procedures: Drop-off starts at 8:30 AM. Learners will not be admitted before 8:30 AM. PleaseRead More

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