Founding Story

Presentations of Learning

5th & 6th Grade Project-Based Learning and Presentation of Learning


  • Driving Question: How can I as a historian teach about the American Revolution and how it changed our lives? (5th Grade)
  • Driving Question: How can I as a historian teach the importance of ancient civilizations to my peers and parents? (6th Grade)




iLEAD AV Studio Glider Flights 5.4.2024

iLEAD AV Studio 8th Graders Take Flight

iLEAD AV 8th graders took their first glider flights Saturday, May 4! Tapping into our curiosity about flight, iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects’ Soaring Aeronautics Project answers the question “How doRead More

National Charter Schools Week 2024

National Charter Schools Week: May 12-18

National Charter Schools Week is May 12-18. At iLEAD, we believe every family should have access to a high-quality public education — and charter schools deliver on this promise. CharterRead More


CAASPP Testing for 3rd-8th Grades: May 13-17

Every year, California students participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). When combined with other measures, such as grades, class work, and teacher observations, these testsRead More

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