Tag Archives: isupport meeting

iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Family Guidebook

Dear iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Families,

As we welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year, we would like to provide you with our Family Guidebook resource and annual notifications. We provide this guidebook as a way to work in partnership, to support learners and families to understand the rights that you have at our school. It is also a place to outline our expectations, policies, procedures, and practices for the school year and for learners and families. The guidebook can be accessed online https://ileadav.org/ilead-antelope-valley-exploration-family-guidebook. Please reach out to the school office if you would like a printed copy.

We look forward to a great school year!

Notice: California Law Regarding Safe Storage of Firearms

Parents and Guardians of Learners in iLEAD Antelope Valley,

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform and to remind parents and legal guardians of all students in iLEAD Antelope Valley of their responsibilities for keeping firearms out of the hands of children as required by California law. There have been many news reports of children bringing firearms to school. In many instances, the child obtained the firearm(s) from his or her home. These incidents can be easily prevented by storing firearms in a safe and secure manner, including keeping them locked up when not in use and storing them separately from ammunition.

To help everyone understand their legal responsibilities, this memorandum spells out California law regarding the storage of firearms. Please take some time to review this memorandum and evaluate your own personal practices to assure that you and your family are in compliance with California law.

With very limited exceptions, California makes a person criminally liable for keeping any firearm, loaded or unloaded, within any premises that are under their custody and control where that person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, and the child obtains access to the firearm and thereby (1) causes death or injury to the child or any other person; (2) carries the firearm off the premises or to a public place, including to any preschool or school grades kindergarten through twelfth grade, or to any school-sponsored event, activity, or performance; or (3) unlawfully brandishes the firearm to others.

Note: The criminal penalty may be significantly greater if someone dies or suffers great bodily injury as a result of the child gaining access to the firearm.

With very limited exceptions, California also makes it a crime for a person to negligently store or leave any firearm, loaded or unloaded, on their premises in a location where the person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to it without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, unless reasonable action is taken to secure the firearm against access by the child, even where a minor never actually accesses the firearm.

In addition to potential fines and terms of imprisonment, as of January 1, 2020, a gun owner found criminally liable under these California laws faces prohibitions from possessing, controlling, owning, receiving, or purchasing a firearm for 10 years.

Finally, a parent or guardian may also be civilly liable for damages resulting from the discharge of a firearm by that person’s child or ward.

Note: Your county or city may have additional restrictions regarding the safe storage of firearms.

Thank you for helping to keep our children and schools safe. Remember that the easiest and safest way to comply with the law is to keep firearms in a locked container or secured with a locking device that renders the firearm inoperable.


Talaya Coleman
School Director

Date published: 8-8-2023
California Department of Education


Ley de California con Respecto al Almacenamiento Seguro de Armas de Fuego

Padres y Tutores Legales de los Estudiantes en el Distrito Escolar iLEAD Antelope Valley,

El propósito de esta notificación es informarles y recordarles a los padres y los tutores legales de todos los estudiantes en el Distrito Escolar iLEAD Antelope Valley de sus responsabilidades de mantener las armas fuera del alcance de los niños, según se requiere la ley de California. Ha habido muchos reportajes de niños que llevan armas de fuego a la escuela. En muchos casos el niño obtuvo el arma/las armas de fuego de su hogar. Estos incidentes se pueden prevenir fácilmente por guardar las armas de fuego en una manera segura, incluyendo manteniéndolas bajo llave cuando no se usan y con municiones almacenadas por separado.

Para que todos entiendan sus responsabilidades legales, esta notificación detalla la ley de California con respecto al almacenamiento de armas de fuego. Por favor tome el tiempo necesario para revisar esta notificación y evalúe sus propias prácticas personales para asegurar que ustedes y su familia cumplan con la ley de California.

Con muy pocas excepciones, en California una persona es penalmente responsable por guardar cualquier arma de fuego, cargada o no cargada, dentro de cualquier sitio bajo su custodia y control donde esa persona sabe o razonablemente debe saber que es probable que un niño logre acceder el arma de fuego sin permiso del padre de familia o del tutor legal, y el niño logra acceder el arma de fuego y por lo tanto (1) causa la muerte o lesiones al niño o a cualquier otra persona; (2) se lleva el arma de fuego fuera de los locales o a un lugar público, incluyendo a cualquier escuela preescolar o escuela K-12 o a cualquier otro evento, actividad, o espectáculo patrocinado por la escuela; o (3) blande ilícitamente el arma de fuego delante de otras personas.

Nota: La sanción penal podría ser mucho mayor si alguien muere o sufre una gran lesión corporal como resultado de que el niño lograra acceso al arma de fuego.

Con muy pocas excepciones, en California también es un delito almacenar o dejar negligentemente, cargada o no, cualquier arma de fuego, en sus locales en un sitio donde una persona sabe o razonablemente debe saber que es probable que un niño logre acceso al arma sin permiso del padre de familia o del tutor legal, a menos que tome acción razonable para asegurar que el arma de fuego no sea accesible al niño, aun cuando un menor de edad efectivamente no acceda nunca el arma de fuego.

Además de multas y plazos de encarcelamiento potenciales, desde el primero de enero de 2020, al dueño de un arma de fuego declarado responsable penalmente bajo estas leyes de California, se le puede prohibir poseer, controlar, ser dueño, recibir, o comprar un arma de fuego por 10 años.

Finalmente, un padre de familia o tutor legal también podría ser responsable civilmente por los daños y perjuicios resultantes de la descarga de un arma de fuego por el niño o el pupilo de esa persona.

Nota: Su condado o su cuidad podría tener restricciones adicionales en cuanto al almacenamiento de armas de fuego.

Gracias por ayudar a mantener seguros nuestros niños y nuestras escuelas. Recuerde que la manera más fácil y segura de cumplir con la ley es guardar las armas de fuego en un recipiente asegurado con llave o aseguradas con un mecanismo de seguridad que hace inservible el arma de fuego.


Talaya Coleman
Directora de Escuela

Fecha de publicación: 8-8-2023
Departamento de Educación de California

Personalized Learning & Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs)

At iLEAD Antelope Valley, we provide a personalized approach to learning for every child. In the beginning of the fall semester, each learner sets individual goals for the school year in an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP).

Your child’s facilitator or advisor will schedule an ILP meeting with you. The purpose of this meeting is to allow your child to focus on their personal growth and what they want to achieve both academically and socially-emotionally this school year. At the ILP, your child will tell you their goals and their plan of action to achieve those goals.

We encourage you to attend the ILP so that you can support your child as they overcome obstacles and reach for their goals. With your support, your learner can achieve anything!

iLEAD Antelope Valley Studio Learner Supply List

We are looking forward to the beginning of the 2023-24 school year! Below is a school supply list for iLEAD Antelope Valley Studio learners:

  • Journals
  • Pencils
  • Glue sticks
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Colored pencils
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • 1-inch binders
  • Folders
  • Copy paper
  • Tissues
  • Index cards
  • Ruler

Upcoming Events

Wed., 8/9: iLEAD AV Studio Family BBQ & Meet the Facilitator Night, on campus, 5:30 – 7:00 PM

Mon., 8/14: iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Meet the Facilitator Night, Vince’s Pizza and Pasta, 5-9 PM

Tues., 8/15: First Day of 2023-24 School Year

Fri., 9/1: In-N-Out Cookout Truck Fundraiser, 11 AM-noon

Click here for the school year calendar.

iLEAD AV Family BBQ & Meet the Facilitator Night: August 9

iLEAD AV Studio families, we hope you’ll join us for our iLEAD AV Family BBQ & Meet the Facilitator Night on Wednesday, August 9, from 5:30-7:00 PM!  You’ll have a chance to meet your child’s facilitator (teacher), learn about upcoming events, and more.

In addition, we’ll host stations on the following topics:

  • Valet Cards (Please bring ID.)
  • Sign Master Agreements
  • 2023-24 Swim Permission Slip
  • Nominate a School Mascot
  • T-shirt & Water Bottle Sale
  • iSUPPORT Sign-Up
  • ParentSquare Info

We can’t wait to see your family there!

iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Meet the Facilitator Night: August 14

iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) families, please join us for our Meet the Facilitator Night at Vince’s Pizza and Pasta on Monday, August 14, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM. Our EFs will be there from 5:00 to 6:30, so please come early to meet them. This is a fundraiser too, so if you order dinner from Vince’s, be sure to let them know you’re with iLEAD AV Exploration!

iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Parent Orientation & Curriculum Pick-Up

New and returning iLEAD AV Exploration families, please sign up to join us for Parent Orientation & Curriculum Pick-up on Wednesday, August 16, or Thursday, August 17.

Please plan to stay about an hour to receive info regarding our curriculum structure for the year and expectations. Returning families, please plan to join us as well, as there have been some changes and improvements!

Please sign up for the session date and time you will attend.

In-N-Out Cookout Truck Fundraiser: September 1

The In-N-Out Burger Cookout Truck is making a stop at iLEAD Antelope Valley on Friday, September 1, from 11 AM to noon! They’ll be cooking fresh burgers, plus serving chips and drinks to help our school raise funds. Be sure to support our school by purchasing a ticket for a tasty meal before they arrive!

Tickets are $5 each. Presale tickets will be sold at the iLEAD AV Studio Meet the Facilitator Night on August 9 and are also available in the Front Office.In-N-Out-fundraiser

Summer Meals for Your Family

We want to make sure all our families have access to meals this summer. Please see the tools below if you need assistance.

Download the CA Meals for Kids Mobile App

The CA Meals for Kids mobile application is free and makes it easy for families and caregivers to find summer and after-school meal locations. Summer meals provide children with access to essential nutrition during school closures throughout the summer break. Find sites by physical location, custom map, county, city, ZIP code, or partial site name. Download the CA Meals for Kids app from Apple’s App Store, Google’s Play Store, or Microsoft’s app store, and visit the CDE 2023 Summer Meals Service Sites web page for more information on locations where children can receive free, nutritious meals during school vacation and off-track periods.

WhyHunger Hotline

If you need to find food for your family, please call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE, or visit www.whyhunger.org/find-food.