Tag Archives: upcoming events

Upcoming Events

Mon., 7/10 – Fri., 7/28: iLEAD AV Studio Summer Workshops

Tues., 8/1: iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Popsicles in the Park, Rawley Duntley Park, 10:30 AM-noon

Wed., 8/9: iLEAD AV Studio Meet the Facilitator Night, on campus, 5:30 – 7:00 PM

Fri., 8/14: iLEAD AV Exploration (Home Study) Meet the Facilitator Night, Vince’s Pizza and Pasta, 5-9 PM

Click here for the school year calendar.

What Is Student Support at iLEAD AV?

Our Student Support team is passionate about supporting all our learners and their families in iLEAD AV’s unique, project-based learning environment. The Student Support team offers counseling as well as services for our learners who need additional support with their learning.

At iLEAD AV, we see each child as an individual and incorporate the child’s passions into their learning, allowing them to shine. Our facilitators and Student Support team work together to foster positive relationships with parents and learners. We view our families as an essential part of our team, working together to help each learner be successful at school and in life. This encouraging environment supports learners as they work toward their goals.

Please visit our Student Support website for resources, including counseling support and contact information.

Our Student Support team looks forward to working with your family!

Open, Fun Learning Environments

At iLEAD Antelope Valley, we know learning isn’t confined to four walls: it demands creativity, collaboration, and freedom of movement. That’s why we employ open-concept floor plans for our classroom spaces that are designed specifically with kids in mind. We prefer atypical buildings, alternative seating, and round tables that allow learners to learn in the way that suits them best. We reject institutional white walls in favor of warm, vibrant colors. And while we do have walls, they’re different, deconstructed, and designed to create fluid areas where our learners can move freely and connect with one another. In short, our unique spaces adapt to our learners, not the other way around.

Our novel approach to classroom design always begins with keeping the end in mind. We have reconstructed what classrooms can look like by basing our designs on concepts like those outlined by The Third Teacher, From the Campfire to the Holodeck, and the maker movement, and we draw inspiration from books like I Wish I Worked There! and Make Space. Our goal is to design spaces that are more akin to the modern 21st-century work space than to traditional walled classrooms, and we are committed to creating engaging, safe, and fun environments that facilitate our project-based-learning model. Our design philosophy allows kids to experience learning in safe and interactive spaces that foster curiosity, problem-solving, creativity, synergy, and critical thinking.

We believe in the concept of differentiation. As Ignacio Estrada once said, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” Our flexible approach and growth mind-set compel us to create spaces that adapt to our learners’ needs and allow them to explore their tribe, village, community, and world.

Whole-Child Education

At iLEAD AV, we emphasize whole-child education. This is an approach that focuses on the development of the whole child, including their emotional, social, physical, and intellectual well-being. We provide a holistic approach to learning, placing equal importance on academic and non-academic areas, such as social and emotional development, physical fitness, and creativity. We create a safe and supportive learning environment that encourages children to be active participants in their own learning and development.

This approach to education recognizes that children have different learning styles and abilities, and that a one-size-fits-all approach to education is not effective. Whole-child education focuses on personalized learning that takes into account each child’s strengths, interests, and needs.

In our whole-child educational environment, our facilitators serve as mentors and guides, rather than just instructors. They provide opportunities for learners to engage in hands-on learning experiences, collaborate with others, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

A whole-child education has been shown to benefit children in many ways, including improving academic achievement, supporting greater social and emotional well-being, and increasing creativity and innovation. Our approach helps children develop the skills and attitudes they need to become lifelong learners who are capable of adapting to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.