Founding Story

Category: Studio

Math Initiative

At iLEAD AV, math is a schoolwide initiative. Math is an essential skill that opens the path to college and careers. Please join us as we continue to focus onRead More

iSupport Parent Collaborative

Please join us for the iSupport Parent Collaborative on Thursday, November 1st, from 6-7 p.m. This month, our focus is academic achievement and state testing.  

Important iSUPPORT Survey

We want to encourage you to share how we can get more parents like you to join us at our monthly iSUPPORT Team meetings. These meetings are a perfect timeRead More

Upcoming Events

October Oct. 30: Activity Booth at AVPH Halloween Party Oct. 31: Costume Parade Nov. 1: iSupport Collab-AV Campus 6-7pm Nov. 16: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.,  Multicultural Feast Nov. 19-23: Fall Break

Catching Character and the 7 Habits in Action

Character Lab Focus: Curiosity Our 7th-grade learners are researching leaders and influential people such as Gandhi, Steve Chen, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, JFK, George Washington, Alexander the Great, and FranklinRead More

Keeping the Valet Process Moving

Dear iLEAD AV families, thank you for your patience as we perfect our new valet procedure on 22nd Street West. The morning and afternoon process is going smoothly. With yourRead More

Our Goals

Our planning and preparation is consistent with our three Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. I am looking forward to sharing how we are meeting each goal throughout theRead More

Free Class on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Have you ever wondered what the “7 Habits” are, what the “Leader in Me” is, or how we use them on our campus and in our homes? Great news: The 7Read More

Valet Procedures

As promised at the end of last school year, we have created a solution for our parking dilemma.  The owner of the shopping center asked all parents and staff toRead More

A Few Reminders…

Parent Square: Click the Apple or Android links to download the app to your smartphone for free and get instant alerts. Apple: Android: iSupport: Get involved and helpRead More

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