Tag Archives: iLEAD AV

Join a Lunch Bunch!

The iLEAD Student Support counseling team is excited to bring you Lunch Bunch and even more resources!

Learners are invited to bring their lunch or snacks every week and meet with friends to socialize while developing positive and healthy relationships and building social skills. iLEAD AV’s schedule is as follows:

K-2nd: 9:00-9:30 AM
3rd-5th: 9:30-10:00 AM
6th-8th: 10:00-10:30 AM

Check ParentSquare for the link to join!

If you have any questions about iLEAD AV Lunch Bunch, please email host Kristina Lobato at kristina.lobato@ileadschools.org.

Great news! This semester, to ensure that you can find a time slot that works well, your child is also invited to join any Lunch Bunch for their grade level iLEAD-wide! Click here for the schedule and please email the host to request to join!

In addition, please come check out our brand-new counseling page! The Student Support counseling team is meeting the social-emotional needs of learners, families and staff through groups, guidance lessons, Lunch Bunches, resources, and office hours. If you or your families need to connect with a Student Support counselor, please visit our page for more info. To navigate to the page from our school website, please find “Parent Info” in the menu and scroll down to “Counseling (Student Support).”

Join Our Next iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Day!

Save the date for our “Among Us” Game Day! K-3rd grade will meet February 12 at 2:00-2:30, and 4th-8th grade will meet at 2:45-3:15. Please check ParentSquare for the link to join us!

Zoom Valentine's Craft CollageShoutout to Shannon, our iLEAD AV iSUPPORT president, for hosting our Zoom crafting event and to the learners who joined us! We hope you had a great time crafting and spending time together!

Parents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

iLEAD Antelope Valley 2nd Graders Design Businesses to Meet Community Needs

By Michael Niehoff
Education Content Coordinator, iLEAD Schools

Around the world, a dynamic discussion is taking place. Many people are working to identify and nurture the skills students will need to be successful in a globalized, gig-oriented economy. One solution is for educators to facilitate entrepreneurial learning experiences and opportunities to foster an “entrepreneurial mind-set” — a way of thinking that enables learners to overcome challenges, be decisive, accept responsibility for outcomes, improve skills, learn from mistakes and take action on their ideas.

At iLEAD Antelope Valley, the 2nd grade facilitators recently helped develop their learners’ entrepreneurial mind-set through a Business Start-up Project. According to facilitator Kristy Basty, they chose to do this project for many reasons. She said she wanted her learners to work to solve a problem or need through business ideas that were creative, innovative and responsive to community needs.

“We really wanted them to take a closer look at their community and see how it’s been affected by the pandemic,” Basty said.

“We wanted to see if they could develop business ideas that would be relevant now and in the future.”

Basty and her team also wanted to implement a project that involved multiple subjects, including math and financial literacy, and that gave learners a great deal of voice and choice.

“We wanted the businesses to be their ideas that they believed would be beneficial to others,” Basty said. “The project focused on social entrepreneurship.”

Basty said the learners engaged in deep discussions with facilitators about how the pandemic has made it very hard for businesses to stay open and survive. The learners made a deep connection with what they were learning and creating.

“It allowed them to critically think about real-life situations and create a business plans with real-world problems in mind,” Basty said.

Ultimately, the facilitators were pleased with both the ideas and final products, as well as the skills the learners demonstrated.

“We saw skill growth in math, engineering, public speaking and critical thinking,” Basty said.

Entrepreneurial projects and experiences allow learners to think outside the box, according to Basty. They allow learners the freedom to show a deeper level of thinking.

“The process of developing a business plan instills the importance of planning ahead,” Basty said. “The more detailed the plan, the more successfully the product will come together. This can be applied to many aspects of their lives moving forward.”

Basty shared a few project examples from the learners.:

iLEAD Antelope Valley learner with toy truck10-Below Truck: “This learner came up with the idea to create a delivery truck. All items within the truck were priced $10 or under, which included cleaning supplies, wipes, groceries and more. The learner set a value for each item and offered free delivery.”

iLEAD Antelope Valley learner holding robot he made

Robot Lego Pick-up: “This learner designed a robot that would pick up Legos quickly from the floor. The rationale as to why this would be helpful was, ‘I play Legos a lot now at home and it hurts my mom’s feet when she steps on them.’ While many learners are stuck indoors, we thought this was a great idea to save the comfort of our feet from Legos on the floor. When in the classroom, Legos definitely take the longest to clean up, and some are always missed!”

EJJ Company (Enjoy Joel’s Juice): “This learner decided to create a product that could improve the health of our eyes. He created three different flavors of carrot juice and made carrot cake as well. His reasoning behind his business plan was to create something to help our eyes, since most of us are constantly on the computer all day and it is important to keep our eyes healthy. We loved this idea and were treated to delivered samples as well.”

iLEAD Antelope Valley learner in cleaning outfitMr. Clean: “This learner created a glove that has deep-cleaning scrubbing parts on fingers and palms to provide the ability to get rid of germs on surfaces with ease. Since we are aware of the importance of keeping ourselves safe from germs during the pandemic, we thought this was relevant and that we would purchase one.”

Fellow 2nd grade facilitator Silvia Mora thought all the learners had high-quality experiences and the online environment worked as well for this project as it would in person.

“We were impressed with the videos and slideshow presentations learners created to advertise and showcase their products and services,” Mora said. “What I really loved is that they learned some very practical skills about how to start up and run an actual business. It’s a valuable experience for them.”

Basty said that this project was extremely successful and she hopes to repeat it with future learners. “We were incredibly proud of the whole 2nd grade cohort during the entire process of this project,” Basty said. “We continue to be amazed at their ability to create and develop projects that promote higher-level thinking when given the opportunity to do so.”

Join a Lunch Bunch!

The iLEAD Student Support counseling team is excited to bring you Lunch Bunch and even more resources!

Learners are invited to bring their lunch or snacks every week and meet with friends to socialize while developing positive and healthy relationships and building social skills. iLEAD AV’s schedule is as follows:

K-2nd: 9:00-9:30 AM
3rd-5th: 9:30-10:00 AM
6th-8th: 10:00-10:30 AM

Check ParentSquare for the link to join!

If you have any questions about iLEAD AV Lunch Bunch, please email host Kristina Lobato at kristina.lobato@ileadschools.org.

Great news! This semester, to ensure that you can find a time slot that works well, your child is also invited to join any Lunch Bunch for their grade level iLEAD-wide! Click here for the schedule and please email the host to request to join!

In addition, please come check out our brand-new counseling page! The Student Support counseling team is meeting the social-emotional needs of learners, families and staff through groups, guidance lessons, Lunch Bunches, resources, and office hours. If you or your families need to connect with a Student Support counselor, please visit our page for more info. To navigate to the page from our school website, please find “Parent Info” in the menu and scroll down to “Counseling (Student Support).”

Shop Amazon for FREE Fund-raising for iLEAD Antelope Valley

Did you know you can help iLEAD Antelope Valley learners and provide additional resources by just doing the things you’re already doing every day?

We call this “passive fundraising.” Through Amazon Smile, you can buy items for the same exact price, and Amazon will send us a portion of their proceeds each time you shop with them. Every little bit counts! Please help us take advantage of the opportunity to earn funds! See below for details and make sure your purchases make a difference! Please help us build a great school for our learners with the opportunity to earn funds from everyday purchases! We sincerely appreciate everything our families can do to help!

See below for the simple steps for using Amazon Smile and see how easy it really is!

Amazon Smile

  • Shop on smile.amazon.com
  • Under the search bar on Amazon Smile’s site, it will say “Supporting.” This is where you’ll choose “Ilead California Charters 1”
  • Start shopping on smile.amazon.com so that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to iLEAD AV
  • If you purchase under the regular amazon.com, those purchases will not be donated to the school. It has to be through smile.amazon.com

Learners, Redesign the iLEAD AV Logo for an Upcoming Fundraiser!

Dear iLEAD AV families,

Our iSUPPORT team is inviting learners to participate in a logo design contest! Redesign our iLEAD AV logo in your own fun way! Please see the rules below. The winning logo design will be used in an upcoming new fundraiser!

1. Must be learner’s original drawing and design.
2. Use a white background with a single-color ink or pencil.
3. Inappropriate or harmful content will not be considered.
4. Must be received by February 15 at 5 PM.
5. Email your entry to isupport@ileadav.org.

Join Our Next iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Day!

Save the date for our “Among Us” Game Day! K-3rd grade will meet at 2:00-2:30, and 4th-8th grade will meet at 2:45-3:15. Please check ParentSquare for the link to join us!

Zoom Valentine's Craft CollageShoutout to Shannon, our iLEAD AV iSUPPORT president, for hosting our Zoom crafting event and to the learners who joined us! We hope you had a great time crafting and spending time together!

Parents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

Announcing the iLEAD Student Support Counseling Page & Spring Lunch Bunch!

Dear iLEAD AV families,

The iLEAD Student Support team is excited to bring you new resources and the return of Lunch Bunch!

Please come check out our brand-new counseling page! The Student Support counseling team is meeting the social-emotional needs of learners, families and staff through groups, guidance lessons, Lunch Bunches, resources, and office hours. If you or your families need to connect with a Student Support counselor, please visit our page for more info. To navigate to the page from our school website, please find “Parent Info” in the menu and scroll down to “Counseling (Student Support).”

Lunch Bunch returns this spring semester! Learners are invited to bring their lunch or snacks every week and meet with friends to socialize while developing positive and healthy relationships and building social skills. iLEAD AV’s schedule is as follows:

K-2nd: 9:00-9:30 AM
3rd-5th: 9:30-10:00 AM
6th-8th: 10:00-10:30 AM

Check ParentSquare for the link to join!

If you have any questions about iLEAD AV Lunch Bunch, please email host Kristina Lobato at kristina.lobato@ileadschools.org.

Great news! This semester, to ensure that you can find a time slot that works well, your child is also invited to join any Lunch Bunch for their grade level iLEAD-wide! Click here for the schedule and please email the host to request to join!

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act

What this is…

The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program to annually notify households about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.

The EITC is a benefit for working people with low to moderate income. In order to qualify for the EITC, households must meet certain requirements and file a tax return, even if taxes are not owed or households are not required to file. The EITC reduces the amount of tax households owe and may allow for a refund.

Based on your annual earnings, you may be eligible to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit from the Federal Government (Federal EITC). The Federal EITC is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The Federal EITC has no effect on certain welfare benefits. In most cases, Federal EITC payments will not be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, low-income housing, or most Temporary Assistance For Needy Families payments. Even if you do not owe federal taxes, you must file a federal tax return to receive the Federal EITC. Be sure to fill out the Federal EITC form in the Federal Income Tax Return Booklet. For information regarding your eligibility to receive the Federal EITC, including information on how to obtain the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 797 or any other necessary forms and instructions, contact the IRS by calling 1-800-829-3676 or through its website at www.irs.gov.

You may also be eligible to receive the California Earned Income Tax Credit (California EITC) starting with the calendar year 2015 tax year. The California EITC is a refundable state income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The California EITC is treated in the same manner as the Federal EITC and generally will not be used to determine eligibility for welfare benefits under California law. To claim the California EITC, even if you do not owe California taxes, you must file a California income tax return and complete and attach the California EITC Form (FTB 3514). For information on the availability of the credit eligibility requirements and how to obtain the necessary California forms and get help filing, contact the Franchise Tax Board at 1-800-852-5711 or through its website at www.ftb.ca.gov.

Learners, Redesign the iLEAD AV Logo for an Upcoming Fundraiser!

Dear iLEAD AV families,

Our iSUPPORT team is inviting learners to participate in a logo design contest! Redesign our iLEAD AV logo in your own fun way! Please see the rules below. The winning logo design will be used in an upcoming new fundraiser!

1. Must be learner’s original drawing and design.
2. Use a white background with a single-color ink or pencil.
3. Inappropriate or harmful content will not be considered.
4. Must be received by February 15 at 5 PM.
5. Email your entry to isupport@ileadav.org.