Tag Archives: iLEAD AV

Join Our Next iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Day: January 28 at 4 PM!

Join us January 28 at 4 PM for a crafting Zoom Fun Day! We’ll send the link via ParentSquare!

craft dog heart instructionsParents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

Announcing the iLEAD Student Support Counseling Page & Spring Lunch Bunch!

Dear iLEAD AV families,

The iLEAD Student Support team is excited to bring you new resources and the return of Lunch Bunch!

Please come check out our brand-new counseling page! The Student Support counseling team is meeting the social-emotional needs of learners, families and staff through groups, guidance lessons, Lunch Bunches, resources, and office hours. If you or your families need to connect with a Student Support counselor, please visit our page for more info. To navigate to the page from our school website, please find “Parent Info” in the menu and scroll down to “Counseling (Student Support).”

Lunch Bunch returns this spring semester! Learners are invited to bring their lunch or snacks every week and meet with friends to socialize while developing positive and healthy relationships and building social skills. iLEAD AV’s schedule is as follows:

K-2nd: 9:00-9:30 AM
3rd-5th: 9:30-10:00 AM
6th-8th: 10:00-10:30 AM

Check ParentSquare for the link to join!

If you have any questions about iLEAD AV Lunch Bunch, please email host Kristina Lobato at kristina.lobato@ileadschools.org.

Great news! This semester, to ensure that you can find a time slot that works well, your child is also invited to join any Lunch Bunch for their grade level iLEAD-wide! Click here for the schedule and please email the host to request to join!

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act

What this is…

The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program to annually notify households about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.

The EITC is a benefit for working people with low to moderate income. In order to qualify for the EITC, households must meet certain requirements and file a tax return, even if taxes are not owed or households are not required to file. The EITC reduces the amount of tax households owe and may allow for a refund.

Based on your annual earnings, you may be eligible to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit from the Federal Government (Federal EITC). The Federal EITC is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The Federal EITC has no effect on certain welfare benefits. In most cases, Federal EITC payments will not be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, low-income housing, or most Temporary Assistance For Needy Families payments. Even if you do not owe federal taxes, you must file a federal tax return to receive the Federal EITC. Be sure to fill out the Federal EITC form in the Federal Income Tax Return Booklet. For information regarding your eligibility to receive the Federal EITC, including information on how to obtain the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 797 or any other necessary forms and instructions, contact the IRS by calling 1-800-829-3676 or through its website at www.irs.gov.

You may also be eligible to receive the California Earned Income Tax Credit (California EITC) starting with the calendar year 2015 tax year. The California EITC is a refundable state income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The California EITC is treated in the same manner as the Federal EITC and generally will not be used to determine eligibility for welfare benefits under California law. To claim the California EITC, even if you do not owe California taxes, you must file a California income tax return and complete and attach the California EITC Form (FTB 3514). For information on the availability of the credit eligibility requirements and how to obtain the necessary California forms and get help filing, contact the Franchise Tax Board at 1-800-852-5711 or through its website at www.ftb.ca.gov.

Celebrate National School Choice Week!

National School Choice Week shines a spotlight on effective education options for children and is the world’s largest celebration of opportunity in K-12 education. It’s a time when we showcase and celebrate our schools and the fact that families have exactly that: a choice of where their children can go to school and have the best learning experience that fits them! Thank you for choosing iLEAD Antelope Valley to be such an important part of your lives!

Want to share your appreciation for your iLEAD AV facilitator? Download the template below and share a selfie with your letter at ileadschools.org/stories!


School choice is the process of allowing every family to choose the K-12 educational options that best fit their children. These options include all forms of education, from traditional public schools, to public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.

Every child deserves an effective, challenging, and motivating education. Because each student has their own unique set of talents, interests, and challenges, a variety of options in education is crucial. School choice ensures that each student can find a learning environment that allows them to be inspired, successful, and happy.

—National School Choice Week

iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Days

Parents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

iLEAD Antelope Valley 3rd Graders Take on HEAL Project for Lifelong Health and Wellness

By Michael Niehoff
Education Content Coordinator, iLEAD Schools

iLEAD Antelope Valley 3rd grade facilitators Trish Bogna and Trista Baham launched the HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Project this year to educate their learners on nutrition and healthy habits to last a lifetime.

The Why

The idea for the HEAL Project originally came from a grant that Bogna managed while working for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. According to Bogna, it was called the Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention grant.

Childhood obesity is just one of the many health concerns facing young people today. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents aged two to 19 years is 18.5 percent, or 13.7 million. Obesity during childhood can harm the body in a variety of ways, including but not limited to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, joint problems, liver disease and mental health issues.

While working with the county, Bogna said, “We found that the Antelope Valley had the highest rate of diabetes, heart disease, asthma, depression and suicide in all of Los Angeles County. So a coworker and I conducted two Community Health Needs Assessments for the entire Antelope Valley to determine where these incidences were happening and what we could do to lower them.”

Based on this experience, as well as increased concerns about COVID-19 for people with underlying health conditions, Bogna wanted to take the opportunity to equip her learners to optimize their health and quality of life.

The Project

The driving question for the HEAL Project is “How can you educate yourselves, your families and others in the community on the health disparities in the Antelope Valley, and how we can improve them?”

According to Bogna and Baham, learners researched and shared pertinent information on causes, prevention and treatment of asthma, diabetes and heart disease while also presenting findings regarding healthy foods and drinks, exercise and mindful meditation. Bogna and Baham said learners were encouraged to share photos and other examples of themselves making healthy food choices.

“The learning has focused on how one cannot have good physical health without good mental health, and vice versa,” Bogna said. “Learners provide a graphic representation of their subject — such as a drawing or illustration they find important.”

Bogna and Baham intended to host a Presentation of Learning in the form of a health fair, where the public could walk from booth to booth and learn directly from the 3rd graders. However, the pandemic required them to pivot to a simulated health fair in which the learners made presentations through PowerPoints and Google Slides.

Learners researched, collaborated and met with experts to gather information and present their final findings. Some key resources included My Plate from the United States Department of Agriculture, as well as KidsHealth in the Classroom.


iLEAD Antelope Valley facilitators and learners were fortunate to work with Adel Domingo of Antelope Valley Partners for Health, who for the last eight years has advocated for all people living in the Antelope Valley to achieve optimal health and quality of life. Domingo, who served as a resident guest speaker and expert for the 3rd graders’ project, shared his Rethink Your Drink presentation with the learners.

As a public health advocate, Domingo believes that getting to people at a young age is key to developing lifelong habits of health. “Nutrition and lifestyle choices made early on can affect children for the rest of their lives,” Domingo said.

As a health educator, he believes he has a duty to the community to provide the most appropriate and accurate education and information to all in the community and then empower them to make better health decisions.

“It is important for a professional like me to share my expertise with learners because it ensures they receive reliable facts from a reliable source with greater impact,” Domingo said.


Bogna and Baham were grateful to see the learners become more aware and participate in work that will educate their families and others as a means of prevention.

“This project is important because education at a young age about these topics could improve the quality of life for many and even save lives,” Bogna said.

Baham added that it’s always beneficial to get learners actively involved in their own learning and expressed gratitude for Ms. Bogna’s leadership in the project. “Interaction with their peers is very helpful in this online environment,” Baham said. “Thank you, Ms. Bogna, for introducing us to the HEAL Project.”

iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Days

Parents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

iLEAD Antelope Valley Zoom Fun Days

craft instructions for a snowman and a reindeerParents and caregivers, would you like to host a Zoom fun day?

Last week, parents Alyssa and Bri hosted a fun iLEAD AV Dance Party! This Wednesday, December 16, at 4:00 PM, we will have a holiday craft Zoom event for all grades, featuring a Melting Snowman and a Handprint Reindeer, so please check ParentSquare for all the details!

If you’d like to join the fun of hosting, we are looking for volunteers to host cooking demonstrations, craft activities, dance parties, hangouts, trivia nights, movie nights, drawing tutorials, or talent shows.

For more information or to sign up, please email holly.vasconez@ileadav.org.

Connect with us!

Facebook at iLEAD Antelope Valley

For the latest information on events and activities, follow the iLEAD AV iSupport team at at @isupportileadav or email isupport@ileadavisupport.org.

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket.

1. Student Email

If you are a returning learner, your school email and password from last year has not changed, and you can log into your email at https://mail.google.com/.

If you are a new learner, your facilitator will be able to provide you with your new email address, or you may submit a Tech Ticket and our technology team can assist you.

An email is not required to log into Zoom.

2. PowerSchool Account Instructions

Click HERE for PowerSchool learner and family training.

You should now have access to your courses. Your facilitator will contact you through PowerSchool with a welcome announcement and instructions on how to get started.

  • Your courses are located here: ilead online.learning.powerschool.com.
  • Please bookmark this page on your child’s browser. You can access PowerSchool Learning on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. To download the learning app for Apple, click HERE.
  • Please log into your new account and bookmark this domain to access your courses.

Your username:  Firstname.Lastname or firstname.lastname

Your temporary password: changeme (for new learners only)

Note: if you are a returning learner, your password has not changed.

If you need any assistance logging in, please submit a Tech Ticket.

Do not use the Google log-in option. Scroll down to see the example below.

3. Zoom
Zoom Cheat-Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Zoom Camera Tips for Learners

Please click HERE to visit our Knowledge Base of tips and tutorials.

Please click HERE for technical support.