Tag Archives: iLEAD AV

Multipurpose Family Income Forms Due by December 1

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on. Thank you for your time!

The start of school means getting to know new friends, facilitators, and routines, adjusting to a new way of learning, and, of course, filling out lots of paperwork!

One form that is especially important for schools to receive from families is called the Multipurpose Family Income Form. This form needs to be filled out for every learner and submitted each year. The deadline has been extended to December 1. It can be submitted in a variety of ways. You can fill it out via a fillable PDF (attached) and email it to betty.lara@ileadav.org, fill out a paper form (attached in Englishattached in Spanish) and drop it off at the front office, or — in our newest, completely digital way — you can complete it via the My Mealtime online platform. This new option ensures the confidentiality of your form and can be done from home. Please see the attached instructions (here and here) on how to access this option. Please email all forms (by December 1) and any questions to betty.lara@ileadav.org.

Some people have heard that it is necessary to fill out this form only if you want your child to qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast and/or lunch. The truth is that it is important for EVERY family to fill out this form because doing so helps bring much-needed additional money and services directly to our school!

Our school receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low-income learners. For each learner who qualifies for free or reduced price breakfast/lunch, our school receives thousands of additional dollars in funding. Studies show that many eligible students, in particular middle school and high school students, do not complete this form each year, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for our school on the table. Even a small increase in eligible forms collected results in significantly more money to support our learners and school.

What is the Multipurpose Family Income Form?

This form collects basic information about your learner so our school can determine their eligibility for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, and also so that our school can qualify to receive extra money and programs. You may have heard this form referred to in the past as the School Meal Application Form or School Lunch Form. The name has changed because it is really about more than school breakfast/lunch.

What if my child doesn’t want to eat school breakfast/lunch? Why should I fill out the form?
Even if your child chooses to bring their own breakfast/lunch or snack or if they eat lunch at home, filling out the form is very important! It ensures that our school gets all of the funding and benefits available to support facilitators and learners.

How does filling out the Multipurpose Family Income Form help our school?

Schools get more money in their budgets to support learners. Our school qualifies to receive more money per learner from the state and federal government, which they can pass on to our school.

Help! The form is confusing!

Income information: Some parents have asked whether they need to provide this information if they know that they are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The form does require that families enter income. This information is not shared and is required for those seeking free or reduced-price meal eligibility. However, a family that does not wish to be considered for eligibility may fill out a form, complete learner information in step 1, write “do not qualify” in the first box in step 3, and then complete the name, signature, and date lines in step 4.

Last 4 digits of Social Security Number: If you don’t have a social security number or don’t want to submit the last 4 digits of your social, you can check the box that says “don’t have one” and still be eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch.

Is the Information I submit confidential?

The information you submit on the Multipurpose Family Income Form cannot be shared by our school.

Personal information submitted on the form is not shared with the state or federal government; only the number of learners who qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch is shared.

Facilitators are not told which learners qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch benefits.
Our school does not share information with other organizations that provide benefits. But if your child does qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, you may use the eligibility form provided by our school to qualify for other benefits through providers.

If your child qualifies and chooses to eat breakfast/lunch at school, the process is the same as it is for a learner who is paying full price.

Why is the payment system different?

Our school allows families to deposit funds and fill out applications online via My Mealtime. If you don’t already have an account, please visit https://ileadav.org/school-lunch-program/mealtime-parent-directions for directions.

What if I still have questions?

If you run into any problems, you can always contact the staff at our school for individual assistance. You can reach them by calling (661) 494-7442 or emailing betty.lara@ileadav.org.

We thank you for your continued support of iLEAD Antelope Valley!

Dawn Roberson

Helpful Links
Online application for Free/Reduced Meals
Parent Guide to MealTime Apply Online
Fillable PDF Application for Free/Reduced Meals
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (English)
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (Spanish)
iLEAD Antelope Valley Meal Charge Policy
Letter to Households (English and Spanish)

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket.

1. Student Email

If you are a returning learner, your school email and password from last year has not changed, and you can log into your email at https://mail.google.com/.

If you are a new learner, your facilitator will be able to provide you with your new email address, or you may submit a Tech Ticket and our technology team can assist you.

An email is not required to log into Zoom.

2. PowerSchool Account Instructions

Click HERE for PowerSchool learner and family training.

You should now have access to your courses. Your facilitator will contact you through PowerSchool with a welcome announcement and instructions on how to get started.

  • Your courses are located here: ilead online.learning.powerschool.com.
  • Please bookmark this page on your child’s browser. You can access PowerSchool Learning on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. To download the learning app for Apple, click HERE.
  • Please log into your new account and bookmark this domain to access your courses.

Your username:  Firstname.Lastname or firstname.lastname

Your temporary password: changeme (for new learners only)

Note: if you are a returning learner, your password has not changed.

If you need any assistance logging in, please submit a Tech Ticket.

Do not use the Google log-in option. Scroll down to see the example below.

3. Zoom
Zoom Cheat-Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Zoom Camera Tips for Learners

Please click HERE to visit our Knowledge Base of tips and tutorials.

Please click HERE for technical support.

Multipurpose Family Income Forms Due by December 1

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on. Thank you for your time!

The start of school means getting to know new friends, facilitators, and routines, adjusting to a new way of learning, and, of course, filling out lots of paperwork!

One form that is especially important for schools to receive from families is called the Multipurpose Family Income Form. This form needs to be filled out for every learner and submitted each year. The deadline has been extended to December 1. It can be submitted in a variety of ways. You can fill it out via a fillable PDF (attached) and email it to betty.lara@ileadav.org, fill out a paper form (attached in Englishattached in Spanish) and drop it off at the front office, or — in our newest, completely digital way — you can complete it via the My Mealtime online platform. This new option ensures the confidentiality of your form and can be done from home. Please see the attached instructions (here and here) on how to access this option. Please email all forms (by December 1) and any questions to betty.lara@ileadav.org.

Some people have heard that it is necessary to fill out this form only if you want your child to qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast and/or lunch. The truth is that it is important for EVERY family to fill out this form because doing so helps bring much-needed additional money and services directly to our school!

Our school receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low-income learners. For each learner who qualifies for free or reduced price breakfast/lunch, our school receives thousands of additional dollars in funding. Studies show that many eligible students, in particular middle school and high school students, do not complete this form each year, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for our school on the table. Even a small increase in eligible forms collected results in significantly more money to support our learners and school.

What is the Multipurpose Family Income Form?

This form collects basic information about your learner so our school can determine their eligibility for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, and also so that our school can qualify to receive extra money and programs. You may have heard this form referred to in the past as the School Meal Application Form or School Lunch Form. The name has changed because it is really about more than school breakfast/lunch.

What if my child doesn’t want to eat school breakfast/lunch? Why should I fill out the form?
Even if your child chooses to bring their own breakfast/lunch or snack or if they eat lunch at home, filling out the form is very important! It ensures that our school gets all of the funding and benefits available to support facilitators and learners.

How does filling out the Multipurpose Family Income Form help our school?

Schools get more money in their budgets to support learners. Our school qualifies to receive more money per learner from the state and federal government, which they can pass on to our school.

Help! The form is confusing!

Income information: Some parents have asked whether they need to provide this information if they know that they are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The form does require that families enter income. This information is not shared and is required for those seeking free or reduced-price meal eligibility. However, a family that does not wish to be considered for eligibility may fill out a form, complete learner information in step 1, write “do not qualify” in the first box in step 3, and then complete the name, signature, and date lines in step 4.

Last 4 digits of Social Security Number: If you don’t have a social security number or don’t want to submit the last 4 digits of your social, you can check the box that says “don’t have one” and still be eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch.

Is the Information I submit confidential?

The information you submit on the Multipurpose Family Income Form cannot be shared by our school.

Personal information submitted on the form is not shared with the state or federal government; only the number of learners who qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch is shared.

Facilitators are not told which learners qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch benefits.
Our school does not share information with other organizations that provide benefits. But if your child does qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, you may use the eligibility form provided by our school to qualify for other benefits through providers.

If your child qualifies and chooses to eat breakfast/lunch at school, the process is the same as it is for a learner who is paying full price.

Why is the payment system different?

Our school allows families to deposit funds and fill out applications online via My Mealtime. If you don’t already have an account, please visit https://ileadav.org/school-lunch-program/mealtime-parent-directions for directions.

What if I still have questions?

If you run into any problems, you can always contact the staff at our school for individual assistance. You can reach them by calling (661) 494-7442 or emailing betty.lara@ileadav.org.

We thank you for your continued support of iLEAD Antelope Valley!

Dawn Roberson

Helpful Links
Online application for Free/Reduced Meals
Parent Guide to MealTime Apply Online
Fillable PDF Application for Free/Reduced Meals
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (English)
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (Spanish)
iLEAD Antelope Valley Meal Charge Policy
Letter to Households (English and Spanish)

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket.

1. Student Email

If you are a returning learner, your school email and password from last year has not changed, and you can log into your email at https://mail.google.com/.

If you are a new learner, your facilitator will be able to provide you with your new email address, or you may submit a Tech Ticket and our technology team can assist you.

An email is not required to log into Zoom.

2. PowerSchool Account Instructions

Click HERE for PowerSchool learner and family training.

You should now have access to your courses. Your facilitator will contact you through PowerSchool with a welcome announcement and instructions on how to get started.

  • Your courses are located here: ilead online.learning.powerschool.com.
  • Please bookmark this page on your child’s browser. You can access PowerSchool Learning on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. To download the learning app for Apple, click HERE.
  • Please log into your new account and bookmark this domain to access your courses.

Your username:  Firstname.Lastname or firstname.lastname

Your temporary password: changeme (for new learners only)

Note: if you are a returning learner, your password has not changed.

If you need any assistance logging in, please submit a Tech Ticket.

Do not use the Google log-in option. Scroll down to see the example below.

3. Zoom
Zoom Cheat-Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Zoom Camera Tips for Learners

Please click HERE to visit our Knowledge Base of tips and tutorials.

Please click HERE for technical support.

Multipurpose Family Income Forms Due by December 1

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on. Thank you for your time!

The start of school means getting to know new friends, facilitators, and routines, adjusting to a new way of learning, and, of course, filling out lots of paperwork!

One form that is especially important for schools to receive from families is called the Multipurpose Family Income Form. This form needs to be filled out for every learner and submitted each year. The deadline has been extended to December 1. It can be submitted in a variety of ways. You can fill it out via a fillable PDF (attached) and email it to betty.lara@ileadav.org, fill out a paper form (attached in Englishattached in Spanish) and drop it off at the front office, or — in our newest, completely digital way — you can complete it via the My Mealtime online platform. This new option ensures the confidentiality of your form and can be done from home. Please see the attached instructions (here and here) on how to access this option. Please email all forms (by December 1) and any questions to betty.lara@ileadav.org.

Some people have heard that it is necessary to fill out this form only if you want your child to qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast and/or lunch. The truth is that it is important for EVERY family to fill out this form because doing so helps bring much-needed additional money and services directly to our school!

Our school receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low-income learners. For each learner who qualifies for free or reduced price breakfast/lunch, our school receives thousands of additional dollars in funding. Studies show that many eligible students, in particular middle school and high school students, do not complete this form each year, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for our school on the table. Even a small increase in eligible forms collected results in significantly more money to support our learners and school.

What is the Multipurpose Family Income Form?

This form collects basic information about your learner so our school can determine their eligibility for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, and also so that our school can qualify to receive extra money and programs. You may have heard this form referred to in the past as the School Meal Application Form or School Lunch Form. The name has changed because it is really about more than school breakfast/lunch.

What if my child doesn’t want to eat school breakfast/lunch? Why should I fill out the form?
Even if your child chooses to bring their own breakfast/lunch or snack or if they eat lunch at home, filling out the form is very important! It ensures that our school gets all of the funding and benefits available to support facilitators and learners.

How does filling out the Multipurpose Family Income Form help our school?

Schools get more money in their budgets to support learners. Our school qualifies to receive more money per learner from the state and federal government, which they can pass on to our school.

Help! The form is confusing!

Income information: Some parents have asked whether they need to provide this information if they know that they are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The form does require that families enter income. This information is not shared and is required for those seeking free or reduced-price meal eligibility. However, a family that does not wish to be considered for eligibility may fill out a form, complete learner information in step 1, write “do not qualify” in the first box in step 3, and then complete the name, signature, and date lines in step 4.

Last 4 digits of Social Security Number: If you don’t have a social security number or don’t want to submit the last 4 digits of your social, you can check the box that says “don’t have one” and still be eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch.

Is the Information I submit confidential?

The information you submit on the Multipurpose Family Income Form cannot be shared by our school.

Personal information submitted on the form is not shared with the state or federal government; only the number of learners who qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch is shared.

Facilitators are not told which learners qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch benefits.
Our school does not share information with other organizations that provide benefits. But if your child does qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, you may use the eligibility form provided by our school to qualify for other benefits through providers.

If your child qualifies and chooses to eat breakfast/lunch at school, the process is the same as it is for a learner who is paying full price.

Why is the payment system different?

Our school allows families to deposit funds and fill out applications online via My Mealtime. If you don’t already have an account, please visit https://ileadav.org/school-lunch-program/mealtime-parent-directions for directions.

What if I still have questions?

If you run into any problems, you can always contact the staff at our school for individual assistance. You can reach them by calling (661) 494-7442 or emailing betty.lara@ileadav.org.

We thank you for your continued support of iLEAD Antelope Valley!

Dawn Roberson

Helpful Links
Online application for Free/Reduced Meals
Parent Guide to MealTime Apply Online
Fillable PDF Application for Free/Reduced Meals
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (English)
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (Spanish)
iLEAD Antelope Valley Meal Charge Policy
Letter to Households (English and Spanish)

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket.

1. Student Email

If you are a returning learner, your school email and password from last year has not changed, and you can log into your email at https://mail.google.com/.

If you are a new learner, your facilitator will be able to provide you with your new email address, or you may submit a Tech Ticket and our technology team can assist you.

An email is not required to log into Zoom.

2. PowerSchool Account Instructions

Click HERE for PowerSchool learner and family training.

You should now have access to your courses. Your facilitator will contact you through PowerSchool with a welcome announcement and instructions on how to get started.

  • Your courses are located here: ilead online.learning.powerschool.com.
  • Please bookmark this page on your child’s browser. You can access PowerSchool Learning on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. To download the learning app for Apple, click HERE.
  • Please log into your new account and bookmark this domain to access your courses.

Your username:  Firstname.Lastname or firstname.lastname

Your temporary password: changeme (for new learners only)

Note: if you are a returning learner, your password has not changed.

If you need any assistance logging in, please submit a Tech Ticket.

Do not use the Google log-in option. Scroll down to see the example below.

3. Zoom
Zoom Cheat-Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Zoom Camera Tips for Learners

Please click HERE to visit our Knowledge Base of tips and tutorials.

Please click HERE for technical support.

Multipurpose Family Income Forms Due by December 1

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please read on. Thank you for your time!

The start of school means getting to know new friends, facilitators, and routines, adjusting to a new way of learning, and, of course, filling out lots of paperwork!

One form that is especially important for schools to receive from families is called the Multipurpose Family Income Form. This form needs to be filled out for every learner and submitted each year. The deadline has been extended to December 1. It can be submitted in a variety of ways. You can fill it out via a fillable PDF (attached) and email it to betty.lara@ileadav.org, fill out a paper form (attached in Englishattached in Spanish) and drop it off at the front office, or — in our newest, completely digital way — you can complete it via the My Mealtime online platform. This new option ensures the confidentiality of your form and can be done from home. Please see the attached instructions (here and here) on how to access this option. Please email all forms (by December 1) and any questions to betty.lara@ileadav.org.

Some people have heard that it is necessary to fill out this form only if you want your child to qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast and/or lunch. The truth is that it is important for EVERY family to fill out this form because doing so helps bring much-needed additional money and services directly to our school!

Our school receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low-income learners. For each learner who qualifies for free or reduced price breakfast/lunch, our school receives thousands of additional dollars in funding. Studies show that many eligible students, in particular middle school and high school students, do not complete this form each year, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for our school on the table. Even a small increase in eligible forms collected results in significantly more money to support our learners and school.

What is the Multipurpose Family Income Form?

This form collects basic information about your learner so our school can determine their eligibility for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, and also so that our school can qualify to receive extra money and programs. You may have heard this form referred to in the past as the School Meal Application Form or School Lunch Form. The name has changed because it is really about more than school breakfast/lunch.

What if my child doesn’t want to eat school breakfast/lunch? Why should I fill out the form?
Even if your child chooses to bring their own breakfast/lunch or snack or if they eat lunch at home, filling out the form is very important! It ensures that our school gets all of the funding and benefits available to support facilitators and learners.

How does filling out the Multipurpose Family Income Form help our school?

Schools get more money in their budgets to support learners. Our school qualifies to receive more money per learner from the state and federal government, which they can pass on to our school.

Help! The form is confusing!

Income information: Some parents have asked whether they need to provide this information if they know that they are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals. The form does require that families enter income. This information is not shared and is required for those seeking free or reduced-price meal eligibility. However, a family that does not wish to be considered for eligibility may fill out a form, complete learner information in step 1, write “do not qualify” in the first box in step 3, and then complete the name, signature, and date lines in step 4.

Last 4 digits of Social Security Number: If you don’t have a social security number or don’t want to submit the last 4 digits of your social, you can check the box that says “don’t have one” and still be eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch.

Is the Information I submit confidential?

The information you submit on the Multipurpose Family Income Form cannot be shared by our school.

Personal information submitted on the form is not shared with the state or federal government; only the number of learners who qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch is shared.

Facilitators are not told which learners qualify for free or reduced breakfast/lunch benefits.
Our school does not share information with other organizations that provide benefits. But if your child does qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast/lunch, you may use the eligibility form provided by our school to qualify for other benefits through providers.

If your child qualifies and chooses to eat breakfast/lunch at school, the process is the same as it is for a learner who is paying full price.

Why is the payment system different?

Our school allows families to deposit funds and fill out applications online via My Mealtime. If you don’t already have an account, please visit https://ileadav.org/school-lunch-program/mealtime-parent-directions for directions.

What if I still have questions?

If you run into any problems, you can always contact the staff at our school for individual assistance. You can reach them by calling (661) 494-7442 or emailing betty.lara@ileadav.org.

We thank you for your continued support of iLEAD Antelope Valley!

Dawn Roberson

Helpful Links
Online application for Free/Reduced Meals
Parent Guide to MealTime Apply Online
Fillable PDF Application for Free/Reduced Meals
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (English)
Printable Application for Free/Reduced Meals (Spanish)
iLEAD Antelope Valley Meal Charge Policy
Letter to Households (English and Spanish)

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket.

1. Student Email

If you are a returning learner, your school email and password from last year has not changed, and you can log into your email at https://mail.google.com/.

If you are a new learner, your facilitator will be able to provide you with your new email address, or you may submit a Tech Ticket and our technology team can assist you.

An email is not required to log into Zoom.

2. PowerSchool Account Instructions

Click HERE for PowerSchool learner and family training.

You should now have access to your courses. Your facilitator will contact you through PowerSchool with a welcome announcement and instructions on how to get started.

  • Your courses are located here: ilead online.learning.powerschool.com.
  • Please bookmark this page on your child’s browser. You can access PowerSchool Learning on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. To download the learning app for Apple, click HERE.
  • Please log into your new account and bookmark this domain to access your courses.

Your username:  Firstname.Lastname or firstname.lastname

Your temporary password: changeme (for new learners only)

Note: if you are a returning learner, your password has not changed.

If you need any assistance logging in, please submit a Tech Ticket.

Do not use the Google log-in option. Scroll down to see the example below.

3. Zoom
Zoom Cheat-Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
Zoom Camera Tips for Learners

Please click HERE to visit our Knowledge Base of tips and tutorials.

Please click HERE for technical support.

Digital Citizenship Week and Virtual Book Club Kickoff

iLEAD California strives to foster a community where our learners are digital citizens. Being a good digital citizen is about understanding the best way to connect and collaborate with others. Now more than ever, fostering digital citizenship is essential. 

When we go online, we’re participating in a world where we can be instantly connected to thousands of people at a moment’s notice. When learners connect with each other from a distance, it can affect the way they behave. For example, their actions can feel removed from consequences or discovery. When people are anonymous, it’s easier to behave irresponsibly, cruelly, or unethically.

At iLEAD, our goal is to create safer school environments and discourage prejudice and discrimination. We are participating in the annual Digital Citizenship Week as a way to help our families generate conversations about what it means to be a good digital citizen, stay safe in the online world, and utilize the wonderful tools 21st-century technology has to offer to the best of their abilities.

We’ll be focusing on 5 main topics for discussion and learning this year:

  1. Media Balance and Well-Being
  2. Media/Online Literacy
  3. Building Relationships and Communication as a prevention technique to Bullying, Digital Drama, and Hate Speech
  4. Using Digital Footprint and Identity to Foster Digital Leadership 
  5. Digital Privacy and Security

Each topic will include family-centered activities and discussion guides to support this driving question: “How do I demonstrate through my actions that I’m a good digital citizen?

We encourage you to follow along on our social media accounts throughout the week and submit activities and reflections to stories@ileadschools.org.

Join in a parent virtual book club this fall! 

iLEAD California is offering a network-wide virtual family book club as part of our efforts to join in the national movement to foster digital citizenship. We’ll be reading Raising Humans in the Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology, by Diana Graber. 

Book Club Kickoff: Thursday, October 29, from 6:30-7:30 PM

Book Club Discussion and Reflection: Thursday, November 29, from 6:30-7:30 PM

With weekly emails throughout the month for guided questions, resources, and asynchronous discussion. 

Click HERE to register.