It’s that time of year again! Please check your ParentSquare and submit your Intent to Return to save your child’s seat for the upcoming school year. We like to plan ahead, and it’s important to reserve your learner’s spot, especially since our lottery is right around the corner. Don’t forget to submit an application for any siblings who will be joining us next school year.
Tag Archives: upcoming events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Fri., 2/10: Learning Period 5 Ends – Sign Learning Logs
Mon., 2/13: Beginning of LP 6
Mon., 2/13-Fri., 2/17: Scholastic Book Fair
Tues., 2/14: Valentine’s Day
Fri., 2/16: No Exploration Workshops
Fri., 2/16: Exploration Presentations of Learning, 4:30-5:30 PM
Mon., 2/20: Presidents’ Day – No School
Thur., 3/2: National Read Across America Day
Click here for the school year calendar.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Wed., 2/1: Kona Ice, 11 AM
Thur., 2/2: iSupport Meeting, 5 PM
Fri., 2/10: Learning Period Ends
Mon., 2/13-Fri., 2/17: Scholastic Book Fair
Mon., 2/20: Presidents’ Day – No School
Click here for the school year calendar.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Sun., 1/22-Sat., 1/28: National School Choice Week
Mon., 1/23: Spring Semester begins
Fri., 1/27: Reports of Progress sent home
Wed., 2/1: Kona Ice, 11 AM
Thur., 2/2: iSupport Meeting, 5 PM
Fri., 2/10: Learning Period Ends
Mon., 2/13-Fri., 2/17: Scholastic Book Fair
Mon., 2/20: Presidents’ Day – No School
Click here for the school year calendar.
Happy National School Choice Week!
January 22-28 is National School Choice Week, a time to celebrate the fact that families get to choose the learning experience that best serves their children.
What is school choice? School choice is the process of allowing every family to choose the K-12 educational options that best fit their children. Every child is unique, and all children learn differently. Some children might succeed at the neighborhood public school, while others might fit in better at a charter, magnet, online, private or home learning environment. That’s why school choice is so important! These options include all forms of education, from traditional public schools, to public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.
Every child deserves an effective, challenging, and motivating education. And, because each student has their own unique set of talents, interests, and challenges, having a variety of options in education is crucial. What works well for one child may not work well for another child! In short, school choice ensures that each student can find a learning environment that allows them to be inspired, successful, and happy.
Thank you for choosing iLEAD Antelope Valley to be such an important part of your life! Happy National School Choice Week!
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Mon., 1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service – No School
Fri., 1/20: Fall Semester ends
Mon., 1/23: Spring Semester begins
Fri., 1/27: Reports of Progress sent home
Click here for the school year calendar.
iLEAD’s Reports of Progress: What They Are and Why They Matter
At iLEAD AV, we issue a Report of Progress (ROP) for each child. An ROP might be compared to a traditional report card. However, instead of recording letter grades, we record a learner’s growth based on how consistently the learner applies academic and social-emotional skills at each determined point in the year.
An ROP has three major components: the progress and/or grade component, the narrative component, and the social-emotional component.
The first component of the ROP is the progress and/or grade report. This is an overall snapshot of the learner’s progress with concepts, skills, and standards. Each learner will receive a progress descriptor as shown in the legend below:
The second component of the ROP is the narrative report. The facilitator writes a narrative for each child. Caregivers highly value the narratives, as they gain a true understanding of their child’s progress and educational experience. We supply the narrative progress report because we recognize that each child is unique and that a checklist approach cannot fully demonstrate or assist a child’s development. The narrative report gives a more detailed description of the child’s work and choices of work and demonstrates to families and learners that the facilitator understands and cares about each child.
The third and final component of the ROP is the social-emotional report. The iLEAD curriculum emphasizes development of independence, initiative, responsibility, confidence, social awareness, cooperation, concentration, helpfulness, and commitment to work. Our ROP combines the current learner outcomes (based on the 7 Habits) and the Character Lab Program, which focuses on each learner’s strengths, skills, and mind-sets.
If you have any questions regarding the ROP at iLEAD AV, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s facilitator.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Tues., 1/10: Return from Winter Break
Wed., 1/11: Kids Heart Challenge
Mon., 1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service – No School
Fri., 1/20: Fall Semester ends
Mon., 1/23: Spring Semester begins
Fri., 1/27: Reports of Progress sent home
Click here for the school year calendar.
COVID-19 Communications
Prior to returning to school Tuesday, January 10, it is recommended that learners and staff take a COVID-19 test. Before the break, we distributed COVID-19 rapid tests for all staff and learners to take home. If you did not receive one, you can pick one up from the school Monday, January 9. We suggest taking this test on Monday, January 9. Please report any positive learner tests to the school office on Tuesday, January 10. There is no need to report negative tests. Note: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is recommending wearing a mask for 10 days after winter break.
Upcoming Events
Click here for the academic calendar.
AV Hybrid Upcoming Events
12/06- Makeup picture day
12/15- Winter Production 5 – 7 pm
iLEAD AV Exploration Upcoming Events
12/6 – Cards and Caroling Workshop ~ Last Day of Workshops for December
12/8 – Nutcracker at LPAC for all that ordered tickets
12/16 – Last day before Winter Break
12/19 – 1/9 Winter Break
1/10 – Learners Return
1/11 – Kids Heart Challenge – more info to come!
See what our families are saying about iLEAD Antelope Valley!