Tag Archives: charter school antelope valley

School Site Council Elections This Wednesday

Dear Learners, Parents and Community Members,

Please participate in electing the new members of our iLEAD AV School Site Council. The election is this Wednesday, November 10th. School Site Council is a group of facilitators, parents, other staff and learners who work with the leadership team to assist in the review and evaluation of school improvement programs and the budget. The members of the site council are elected by their peers and serve a term of one, two or three years. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Mendoza at  linda.mendoza@ileadav.org or 661-494-7442.

iLEAD AV 1st, 2nd Graders Study Animal Habitats, Animal Advocacy

Almost every educator and parent knows that children have a natural affinity for animals. It could be their pets, farm animals, zoo creatures or other animals in various environments. But in addition to their cute, cuddly and adorable qualities, animals also serve as one of nature’s most powerful learning laboratories. Not only can we learn about animals, but we can learn a great deal about us as well. It’s with this spirit in mind that the 1st and 2nd grade learners at iLEAD Antelope Valley embarked on their most recent project.

Facilitators Aaron Kahle and Kristy Basty recently presented their learners with the driving question: How can I teach others to care about animals and their environment? According to these facilitators, this project not only tapped into their natural curiosity about animals, but also challenged them to advocate on their behalf to others.

One of the major products the learners had to produce was that of a realistic habitat for a specific animal. Learners had to operate within one specific natural habitat: desert, ocean, rainforest or the arctic / polar environment. Learners first had to build up their knowledge of these four major habitats and then focus their learning on a specific animal within that habitat.

Kahle and Basty knew they could tap into their learners’ concern for animal life and the planet as a whole in order to engage them in this project.

“Our learners not only have an affinity for animals, but also for each other,” said Kahle. “This project connects with their hearts. Indeed, this young generation really cares about the world around them.”

In addition to designing the habitat for their specific animal, Kahle said that the learners completed several aspects of the project leading up to that final product. This included several writing assignments, research and mini projects as well. One of the mini projects involved working with Roly Polys (Pill Bugs) on campus to determine what they eat and how they survive.

“All of these learners did an amazing job and completed a great deal of writing,” said Kahle. “We were very impressed with their creativity and use of descriptive writing.”

Examples of some of the species of animals that these learners focused their research on from the four major habitats were Arctic Fox, Puffer Fish, Caribou, Tiger, Snowy Owl, Rattlesnake, Sharks and Orca/Killer Whale. Kahle said the learners really began to make real connections and came away with greater knowledge and appreciation not only for their individual animals, but for animal life as a whole.

Basty said this project included deep investigation, as well as experimentation. As an example, she said learners participated in an experiment about how oil spills affect the habitat of ocean life. They tested feathers without oil and then tested again when oil was introduced to the water. Learners accessed research and information from quality sources such as National Geographic Kids, YouTube Kids, PBS Kids and others.

“They noticed how oil and water do not separate and the effects that it has on wildlife that depend on clean water to survive,” said Basty. “They really began making connections and expressing empathy towards the birds and other wildlife in our oceans.”

In addition to the Presentations Of Learning, learners brainstormed ways that they can help preserve animal habitats. According to Basty, they generated ideas such as not cutting down trees or planting more, using less gas and oil, recycling and not littering.

“Our learners did a fantastic job on their investigation, research and creation of their habitats,” said Basty. “I am so proud of the work that they have done and the connections that they made during the process!”

Kahle concurred with Basty and said he really enjoyed watching the learners work through this important project.

“They really demonstrated grit, resilience and a willingness to be successful,” he said.

iLEAD AV 1st, 2nd Graders Study Animal Habitats, Animal Advocacy

Almost every educator and parent knows that children have a natural affinity for animals. It could be their pets, farm animals, zoo creatures or other animals in various environments. But in addition to their cute, cuddly and adorable qualities, animals also serve as one of nature’s most powerful learning laboratories. Not only can we learn about animals, but we can learn a great deal about us as well. It’s with this spirit in mind that the 1st and 2nd grade learners at iLEAD Antelope Valley embarked on their most recent project.

Facilitators Aaron Kahle and Kristy Basty recently presented their learners with the driving question: How can I teach others to care about animals and their environment? According to these facilitators, this project not only tapped into their natural curiosity about animals, but also challenged them to advocate on their behalf to others.

One of the major products the learners had to produce was that of a realistic habitat for a specific animal. Learners had to operate within one specific natural habitat: desert, ocean, rainforest or the arctic / polar environment. Learners first had to build up their knowledge of these four major habitats and then focus their learning on a specific animal within that habitat.

Kahle and Basty knew they could tap into their learners’ concern for animal life and the planet as a whole in order to engage them in this project.

“Our learners not only have an affinity for animals, but also for each other,” said Kahle. “This project connects with their hearts. Indeed, this young generation really cares about the world around them.”

In addition to designing the habitat for their specific animal, Kahle said that the learners completed several aspects of the project leading up to that final product. This included several writing assignments, research and mini projects as well. One of the mini projects involved working with Roly Polys (Pill Bugs) on campus to determine what they eat and how they survive.

“All of these learners did an amazing job and completed a great deal of writing,” said Kahle. “We were very impressed with their creativity and use of descriptive writing.”

Examples of some of the species of animals that these learners focused their research on from the four major habitats were Arctic Fox, Puffer Fish, Caribou, Tiger, Snowy Owl, Rattlesnake, Sharks and Orca/Killer Whale. Kahle said the learners really began to make real connections and came away with greater knowledge and appreciation not only for their individual animals, but for animal life as a whole.

Basty said this project included deep investigation, as well as experimentation. As an example, she said learners participated in an experiment about how oil spills affect the habitat of ocean life. They tested feathers without oil and then tested again when oil was introduced to the water. Learners accessed research and information from quality sources such as National Geographic Kids, YouTube Kids, PBS Kids and others.

“They noticed how oil and water do not separate and the effects that it has on wildlife that depend on clean water to survive,” said Basty. “They really began making connections and expressing empathy towards the birds and other wildlife in our oceans.”

In addition to the Presentations Of Learning, learners brainstormed ways that they can help preserve animal habitats. According to Basty, they generated ideas such as not cutting down trees or planting more, using less gas and oil, recycling and not littering.

“Our learners did a fantastic job on their investigation, research and creation of their habitats,” said Basty. “I am so proud of the work that they have done and the connections that they made during the process!”

Kahle concurred with Basty and said he really enjoyed watching the learners work through this important project.

“They really demonstrated grit, resilience and a willingness to be successful,” he said.

Help Improve Our School on the School Site Council

Dear Learners, Parents and Community Members,

The School Site Council is a group of facilitators, parents, other staff and learners who work with the leadership team to assist in the review and evaluation of school improvement programs and the budget. The members of the site council are elected by their peers and serve a term of one, two or three years. The School Site Council will meet a few times per year as needed, with a minimum of two meetings this fall/winter. We are looking for parents, learners and community members who would love to serve on the School Site Council. Five people will be elected to this role. If you’re interested, please contact Linda Mendoza (linda.mendoza@ileadav.org or 661-494-7442) to be placed on the election ballot no later than November 3, 2021. Elections will be held on November 10, 2021.

Podcasts Are Effective Learning Tool In Class, At Home

Podcasts have become extremely popular. But they are not only popular with adults. They can be very popular with young learners as well. Podcasts can provide new subject matter that not only keeps learners more engaged, but also allows them to experience exemplary communication outside traditional texts. Podcast topics are endless: fictional stories, educational and inspirational TED talks, current events/world news, history, sports, pop culture/entertainment, and investigative journalism. Podcasts are engaging and expose learners to a wide variety of methods of communication, including narration, casual dialogue, scripted dialogue, and interviews. There are many worthwhile podcasts available for learners! We have listed ones that are highly recommended and cover a wide range of topics. There is something for everyone! Here you go:


Reading Bug Adventures 

Wow in the World!  

Stories Podcast 

Circle Round  

Noodle Loaf

Brains On!  

Forever Ago  

Story Pirates  

But Why?


Saturday Cereal Bowl



 Forever Ago  

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls 

Start Cooking

Science Friday  

Pants on Fire

Six Minutes

Flyest Fables

Eleanor Amplified

Book Club for Kids


Start-Up Nation                                                                                                            


Science Friday

DFJ Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar

History of the World Podcast 

Start Cooking

NPR,This I Believe

Killer Innovations

99% Invisible

Help Improve Our School on the School Site Council

Dear Learners, Parents and Community Members,

The School Site Council is a group of facilitators, parents, other staff and learners who work with the leadership team to assist in the review and evaluation of school improvement programs and the budget. The members of the site council are elected by their peers and serve a term of one, two or three years. The School Site Council will meet a few times per year as needed, with a minimum of two meetings this fall/winter. We are looking for parents, learners and community members who would love to serve on the School Site Council. Five people will be elected to this role. If you’re interested, please contact Linda Mendoza (linda.mendoza@ileadav.org or 661-494-7442) to be placed on the election ballot no later than November 3, 2021. Elections will be held on November 10, 2021.

Entrepreneurial Development Key To iLEAD, Future Of Work

iLEAD Schools have embraced entrepreneurship from its inception. After all, the ‘E’ in iLEAD stands for Entrepreneurial Development. Foundationally, working in teams, taking risks and learning from failure nurture entrepreneurism. 

Welcome to entrepreneurial education. You can see this entrepreneurial mindset and spirit throughout the iLEAD Learning Community. They are a big part of the iLEAD CTE Pathways. You can see entrepreneurship alive and well in SCVi’s 10th Grade Personal Projects and their Senior Defense Presentations. Each and every year, there are many projects that embrace and incorporate entrepreneurism – often partnering with or connecting to local businesses. Great projects that focus on entrepreneurial skills include examples from high schoolers from Empower Generations, 2nd graders at iLEAD AV and schoolwide from iLEAD Agua Dulce.

The data supports this direction in many ways. Recent surveys showed that 94% of millenials believe that entrepreneurial education is important, 72% of current high schools are interested in being entrepreneurs, and that ⅔ of all learners surveyed have not had any entrepreneurial training or education – or what they have was inadequate

What are these entrepreneurial skills? Well according to Dr. William Redford, who opened Entrepreneur High School a couple of years ago, the focus is on the following: ideating, interviewing, thinking visually, analyzing text and date, working in teams, prototyping, providing feedback, writing, storytelling, experimenting, pitching and reflecting. 

Beyond the skills, Redford believes that an entrepreneurial focus is an ideal avenue for today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders. 

“It’s really about instilling the mindset of an entrepreneur,” said Redford. “We think this is the ideal way to instill confidence, leadership, persistence and other traits that all learners need to compete at all postsecondary and career options.”

Redford said that the challenge for educators and schools is to create and cultivate learning cultures and environments that truly teach learners to think unconventionally and nurtures unconventional talents and skills. 

Many in the field are also focusing on entrepreneurial curriculum and skills acquisition in the digital realm.  Leading this effort from the higher education level is Arizona State University and their online Prep Digital Program (ASU Prep Digital Courses) which includes four Entrepreneur courses. ASU Prep Digital is even recommending what courses all high schools should take to upskill their entrepreneurial skill set: 7 Courses For Future Entrepreneurs. There are many private companies working to fill this gap and offer various digital entrepreneur education and skill development programs. Odysseyware Small Business Entrepreneurship, Alison and Entre Skills are just a few examples. 

Entrepreneur schools and curriculum/courses are undoubtedly going to continue to expand throughout the K-12 world. However, what could all schools, facilitators and courses begin doing to address this unique skills set seemingly so applicable to the new economic futures of all our learners? Here are a few suggestions:

Learner Startups

What if we created opportunities to launch learner ideas? This is foundational in project-based learning and other related pedagogical approaches. Whether it be in our core or elective classes, what if learners have the chance to not only launch their own ideas and projects? What if their work could be realized in the form of a business or non-profit approach to solving a problem that exists in the real world? Think of a Kickstarter-type instructional approach where learners had to produce final products that were real life business or nonprofit entities that they had to create, produce, brand and go public with as part of the class. Senior Projects, Capstone Projects or Independent Projects such as #20Time / Genius Hour Projects are just a few examples that allow learners these start-up experiences. It’s not about creating a permanent business or non-profit, but about the journey and process for further application. There are dozens of digital platforms designed to help teachers incorporate this startup mindset into their curriculum and projects. A few are BizWorld, Jumpstart Project, Fix-Ed and Lemonade Stand.   

Shark Tank Your School, Class & Projects

As part of this start-up mindset, we learn how to practice and perfect the pitch. We can teach learners the power and application of that elevator speech that can elicit support, buy-in and new fans. As often as we can get learners in front of their peers, adult mentors and community partners/experts to practice pitching their ideas and concepts the better. Many school site leaders have started competitive events where learners design and pitch ways to address school wide challenges (bullying, internet safety, drugs and alcohol abuse, anxiety, school safety, etc.) ultimately leading to the best idea(s) being implemented by the school. One great example of educators using the pitch as a means to teach students skills is the STEMIE Coalition, This is a network of more than 30 invention and entrepreneurship programs across the US designed to elevate K-12 innovation and entrepreneurship education to a national level. They intend to bring this “Shark Tank” – like mindset to more than 10 million learners in the coming years. 


Tech integration in education is moving at light speed. And although it should not be about the tool (should be about the process and product enhanced by tech), there are tremendous technology tools and phenomena that can be deployed with students once embarking on entrepreneurial projects and activities. And not only do we advance learner work, but also learner technology literacy necessary to succeed in the new economy. Social Media is a great area to start. Most of our high schoolers and even younger people are on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or others. We need to model for them how business and nonprofits use these tools to market, brand, recruit, compete and grow. Crowdsourcing is another concept students can learn and apply to projects. Think of the ultimate digital collaboration in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users. Many learners are already using crowdsourcing and crowdfunding to enlist public support of their projects and entrepreneurial ventures. Crowdfunding allows individuals to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people through online and social media networks. Any learner’s company, non-profit or project can be exposed to the power of Go Fund Me and Kickstarter. These not only can move a learner project forward publicly, but also allow them to feel the power of networking, collaboration and technology. Finally, we can leverage the technology to facilitate learners creating, showcasing and sharing their own Digital Portfolios. They can leverage dozens of free website design and portfolio platforms. This will be their resume and their practice in personal branding.  

Entrepreneurial Development Key To iLEAD, Future Of Work

iLEAD Schools have embraced entrepreneurship from its inception. After all, the ‘E’ in iLEAD stands for Entrepreneurial Development. Foundationally, working in teams, taking risks and learning from failure nurture entrepreneurism. 

Welcome to entrepreneurial education. You can see this entrepreneurial mindset and spirit throughout the iLEAD Learning Community. They are a big part of the iLEAD CTE Pathways. You can see entrepreneurship alive and well in SCVi’s 10th Grade Personal Projects and their Senior Defense Presentations. Each and every year, there are many projects that embrace and incorporate entrepreneurism – often partnering with or connecting to local businesses. Great projects that focus on entrepreneurial skills include examples from high schoolers from Empower Generations, 2nd graders at iLEAD AV and schoolwide from iLEAD Agua Dulce.

The data supports this direction in many ways. Recent surveys showed that 94% of millenials believe that entrepreneurial education is important, 72% of current high schools are interested in being entrepreneurs, and that ⅔ of all learners surveyed have not had any entrepreneurial training or education – or what they have was inadequate

What are these entrepreneurial skills? Well according to Dr. William Redford, who opened Entrepreneur High School a couple of years ago, the focus is on the following: ideating, interviewing, thinking visually, analyzing text and date, working in teams, prototyping, providing feedback, writing, storytelling, experimenting, pitching and reflecting. 

Beyond the skills, Redford believes that an entrepreneurial focus is an ideal avenue for today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders. 

“It’s really about instilling the mindset of an entrepreneur,” said Redford. “We think this is the ideal way to instill confidence, leadership, persistence and other traits that all learners need to compete at all postsecondary and career options.”

Redford said that the challenge for educators and schools is to create and cultivate learning cultures and environments that truly teach learners to think unconventionally and nurtures unconventional talents and skills. 

Many in the field are also focusing on entrepreneurial curriculum and skills acquisition in the digital realm.  Leading this effort from the higher education level is Arizona State University and their online Prep Digital Program (ASU Prep Digital Courses) which includes four Entrepreneur courses. ASU Prep Digital is even recommending what courses all high schools should take to upskill their entrepreneurial skill set: 7 Courses For Future Entrepreneurs. There are many private companies working to fill this gap and offer various digital entrepreneur education and skill development programs. Odysseyware Small Business Entrepreneurship, Alison and Entre Skills are just a few examples. 

Entrepreneur schools and curriculum/courses are undoubtedly going to continue to expand throughout the K-12 world. However, what could all schools, facilitators and courses begin doing to address this unique skills set seemingly so applicable to the new economic futures of all our learners? Here are a few suggestions:

Learner Startups

What if we created opportunities to launch learner ideas? This is foundational in project-based learning and other related pedagogical approaches. Whether it be in our core or elective classes, what if learners have the chance to not only launch their own ideas and projects? What if their work could be realized in the form of a business or non-profit approach to solving a problem that exists in the real world? Think of a Kickstarter-type instructional approach where learners had to produce final products that were real life business or nonprofit entities that they had to create, produce, brand and go public with as part of the class. Senior Projects, Capstone Projects or Independent Projects such as #20Time / Genius Hour Projects are just a few examples that allow learners these start-up experiences. It’s not about creating a permanent business or non-profit, but about the journey and process for further application. There are dozens of digital platforms designed to help teachers incorporate this startup mindset into their curriculum and projects. A few are BizWorld, Jumpstart Project, Fix-Ed and Lemonade Stand.   

Shark Tank Your School, Class & Projects

As part of this start-up mindset, we learn how to practice and perfect the pitch. We can teach learners the power and application of that elevator speech that can elicit support, buy-in and new fans. As often as we can get learners in front of their peers, adult mentors and community partners/experts to practice pitching their ideas and concepts the better. Many school site leaders have started competitive events where learners design and pitch ways to address school wide challenges (bullying, internet safety, drugs and alcohol abuse, anxiety, school safety, etc.) ultimately leading to the best idea(s) being implemented by the school. One great example of educators using the pitch as a means to teach students skills is the STEMIE Coalition, This is a network of more than 30 invention and entrepreneurship programs across the US designed to elevate K-12 innovation and entrepreneurship education to a national level. They intend to bring this “Shark Tank” – like mindset to more than 10 million learners in the coming years. 


Tech integration in education is moving at light speed. And although it should not be about the tool (should be about the process and product enhanced by tech), there are tremendous technology tools and phenomena that can be deployed with students once embarking on entrepreneurial projects and activities. And not only do we advance learner work, but also learner technology literacy necessary to succeed in the new economy. Social Media is a great area to start. Most of our high schoolers and even younger people are on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or others. We need to model for them how business and nonprofits use these tools to market, brand, recruit, compete and grow. Crowdsourcing is another concept students can learn and apply to projects. Think of the ultimate digital collaboration in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users. Many learners are already using crowdsourcing and crowdfunding to enlist public support of their projects and entrepreneurial ventures. Crowdfunding allows individuals to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people through online and social media networks. Any learner’s company, non-profit or project can be exposed to the power of Go Fund Me and Kickstarter. These not only can move a learner project forward publicly, but also allow them to feel the power of networking, collaboration and technology. Finally, we can leverage the technology to facilitate learners creating, showcasing and sharing their own Digital Portfolios. They can leverage dozens of free website design and portfolio platforms. This will be their resume and their practice in personal branding.